Strategaeth Ddiwylliant Creu Conwy/Creu Conwy Culture Strategy

Published: Mon, 07/04/22
Hoffem i chi ymuno â ni mewn sesiwn gyffrous i ddechrau'r sgwrs am yr hyn y mae Strategaeth Ddiwylliant Creu Conwy yn ei olygu i chi a'ch ardal leol.
Beth: PechaKucha & Pitsa
Lle: Clwb Llanrwst  
Pa bryd: 5 – 7pm - 21/7/22 
Am fanylion llawn ac i gadarnhau eich presenoldeb, dilynwch y ddolen hon.  Dyma wahoddiad i gael slot cyflwyniad byr yn y cyfarfod.  Mae croeso i chi  gysylltu os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth neu i drafod.
We would like you to join us for an exciting session to begin the conversation about what theCreu Conwy Culture Strategy means to you and your local area.
What: PechaKucha & Pizza 
Where: Clwb Llanrwst  
When: 5 – 7pm - 21/7/22 
For full details and to confirm your attendance please follow this link.   There is the invitation to have a short presentation slot at the meeting, if you would like further information or to discuss please do not hesitate to get in touch