Arizona Tuition Connection

Arizona Tuition Connection is a School Tuition Organization approved by the state of Arizona Dept. of Revenue to take private school tax credit donations.

How to get K-8 tuition paid for.

Published: Thu, 12/02/21

The easiest way to get your tuition paid for is to come to this session. As a parent at Saint Theresa, you may have heard some things about ta credit…

Scholarship Coaching Session at ISA!

Published: Wed, 12/01/21

We are not your typical School Tuition Organization. Join us to learn more. As a parent at ISA, you probably have heard some things about ta credit…

How to get K-12 tuition paid for.

Published: Wed, 12/01/21

“Most parents feel uncomfortable with ta credit discussions… come to this session.” You've probably heard some things about ta credit scholarships.

Matching Day, Tomorrow!

Published: Mon, 11/29/21

Are you ready? View this email in your browser ONE DAY LEFT TO SHARE THE NEWS! MAKE SURE TO: Participate by making your ta credit donation on Giving…

Scholarship Coaching Session at Creo School!

Published: Thu, 11/25/21

Tuition Scholarships Available! As a parent at Creo, you probably have heard some things about ta credit scholarships. You may also be a little bit…

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