Arizona Tuition Connection

Arizona Tuition Connection is a School Tuition Organization approved by the state of Arizona Dept. of Revenue to take private school tax credit donations.

It's Matching Day!

Published: Tue, 04/05/22

One day only, don't miss this opportunity. View this email in your browser Today is Matching Day! Donations to the private school ta credit can be…

Don't Forget!

Published: Thu, 03/31/22

Matching Day is coming soon... View this email in your browser REMINDER - HOW IT WORKS: Donors make ta credit donations on Arizona Gives Day, April…

Don't hesitate....😀

Published: Fri, 03/25/22

April 5th is Matching Day! View this email in your browser April 5th is Arizona Gives Day! We are inviting individuals to support education by…

The best time to give. 💝

Published: Thu, 03/24/22

April 5th is Matching Day! View this email in your browser April 5th is Arizona Gives Day! It is a great day for parents to support their school by…

Don't hesitate....😀

Published: Thu, 03/24/22

April 5th is Matching Day! View this email in your browser April 5th is Arizona Gives Day! We are inviting individuals to support education by…

Your Donation Page

Published: Fri, 03/18/22

It's time to get it out there. View this email in your browser Share your donation page one more time! Here are a few tips on how to use your page to…

Don't stop now...

Published: Mon, 03/14/22

You can get 100% of your tuition covered., So many students we work with get 100% of their tuition paid using donated ta credits, but what happens if…

We are coming to !

Published: Thu, 03/03/22

Let's talk scholarships. Ta credit scholarships don't have to be confusing. They are actually pretty simple! Join us for a scholarship coaching…

We are coming to !

Published: Thu, 03/03/22

Let's talk scholarships. Ta credit scholarships don't have to be confusing. They are actually pretty simple! Join us for a scholarship coaching…

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