Arizona Tuition Connection

Arizona Tuition Connection is a School Tuition Organization approved by the state of Arizona Dept. of Revenue to take private school tax credit donations.

Giving Tuesday - Thank you!

Published: Tue, 11/23/21

Your donation will be doubled if you give on 11/30/21. View this email in your browser Dear, Last year you made a generous ta credit donation and…

Giving Tuesday - Thank you!

Published: Tue, 11/23/21

Your donation will be doubled if you give on 11/30/21. View this email in your browser Dear, Last year you made a generous ta credit donation to…

ZOOM Scholarship Coaching Session for MMA!

Published: Thu, 11/18/21

Tuition Scholarships Available! As a parent at MMA, you may have heard some things about ta credit scholarships. You may also be a little bit…

Matching Day is coming!

Published: Tue, 11/16/21

Are you ready for Giving Tuesday? View this email in your browser Giving Tuesday is right around the corner! Are you getting ready? Have you requested…

Join Us For a Scholarship Coaching Session!

Published: Fri, 11/12/21

Learn how you never have to pay tuition again! View this email in your browser You have already sent your application to Arizona Tuition Connection,…

Why pay tuition?

Published: Thu, 11/11/21

Tuition Scholarships Available!! We are e cited to announce our 1st ever Scholarship Coaching Session at NVCA! Arizona Tuition Connection is one of…

Corporate Tax Credit Update

Published: Thu, 11/11/21

Funds are still available. View this email in your browser, The corporate donation cap for the private school ta credit program has not been met. Over…

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