The October Numbers Are Ready!!

Published: Wed, 11/03/21

Thanks for dropping by,
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.

Welcome to all the new members joining us :-)

Well, The BIG MONTH is here, its November
Firstly, it just happens to be my birthday month :-)
But more importantly, it is the absolute best month of the year for online marketers.
The thrill of Black Friday has spilled out to the entire month, and I just love it.
This is the month to let your passion for online marketing lead the way.
Don't hold anything back, get your ads out there every day.
Be seen, get creative, stand out. Let all of your hard work shine!!
Make the most out of the tools in your AWM back office, and any other
strategy you have in your marketing tool box.
There will be more pep talks to come, I am rooting for you all :-)

And now, on with the October Numbers.
October was slightly lower than in past years, but at least 
it was better than September, so things are looking up :-)
My passion remained high, and I did manage to try a few new tactics.

OK, enough of my yakking, here are your AWM October Numbers

Top 5 Advertising sites - THE TOP 5
Free E-Book Selection - E-BOOK SELECTION
Top Marketing Tools - THE TOP TOOLS

Please make sure to check these links out here and in your AWM back office.
I hope you find them helpful for promoting your AWM Business.
Make sure to put your best efforts forward in November, as this is
the CRUCIAL month for online marketers. No pressure, just have fun with it :-)
Success is out there, all you have to do is "Go For It" everyday.

If you ever need help or a question answered, please feel free to contact me.
I am always willing to help, and if I don’t have the answers, I will find them for you.
An informed and confident affiliate marketing community is a profitable one for us all.

Thanks for reading today, and as always…take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of great things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success
Be Safe and Stay Healthy

Kevin Gerber
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer

I have started updating the AWM Library, as I was quite a bit behind on keeping up 
with all the awesome tools and training. Come on in and see what is new :-)