The WORD Is Out

Published: Sat, 01/01/22

Thanks for dropping by,
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.
Welcome to all the new members joining us :-)
The first day of a brand new year. How exciting :-)
I hope you were all able to celebrate in some fashion,
and rang in the new year with cheers and laughter.
With the new year comes one of my favourite things.
The past year was yet another challenging one with the pandemic
taking centre stage once again.
My 2021 word RESILIENT turned out to be a perfect choice.
But that is all in the past, and the future is straight ahead and
filled with much promise and possibility.
So after much thought and contemplation I have come up with my
Word for this year.
A single word that I will use to define my online and offline actions.
A word I will use to mold and shape my successes for the coming year.
My 2022 WORD OF THE YEAR is......
" achieve or complete successfully "
When I look back over the past couple of years, I have written
down so many "TO DO" items both online and offline.
But I have checked off only a few of them.
My wife will agree totally with that LOL
So for 2022 I am going to use my word ACCOMPLISH, and
follow through with both my online business goals and
my personal growth and project goals.
Let me share a few of those with you :-)
I want to add an Ad Exchange or Mailer to my online business.
I want to repair and update the backyard deck and patio
I want to learn the piano
Those are just a few action items I want to put the stamp of ACCOMPLISHED on.
So my 2022 is going to be a year of not just saying, but doing.
A year of challenging myself and following through.
I hope you put some thought into your own 2022 WORD OF THE YEAR
I would love to hear yours, and share them with the membership.
Inspiration loves company :-)
That will do it for today. Time for some College football and game food
It's what I want to accomplish today LOL
The 2021 year in review will be coming out soon.
Keep an eye out for that one :-)
If you ever need help or a question answered, please feel free to contact me.
I am always willing to help, and if I don’t have the answers, I will find them for you.
An informed and confident affiliate marketing community is a profitable one for us all.
Thanks for reading today, and as always…take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of great things growing out there.
To Your AWM Success
Be Safe and Stay Healthy
Kevin Gerber
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer
Updating and staying on top of the AWM Library selection is also on my
List of things to accomplish, but I am not quite there yet :-)
Pop in anyways and see what is on the shelves.