A Sunny Sunday In The Gardens

Published: Sun, 06/05/22

Thanks for stopping by, 
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.

Welcome to all the new members joining us today :-)

It is another beautiful sunny day here in Ontario.
Sparky had yet another girls weekend away, so I stayed home
from The Trottage and got all of the gardens up and ready for 
the season.
How is your weekend going?

I am just popping in to recap the week that was :-)

If you missed this weeks May Numbers post, not to worry,
you can find it on the blog  ==> https://rebrand.ly/awm_news

Our good friend Dawud launched his popular ne product,
RHINO RESULTS 2.0  ==> https://rebrand.ly/new_launch

For those on a tight budget, or just curious, I bring you...
The $1 RHINO  ==> https://rebrand.ly/one_dollar_rhino

And last but not least, I am gearing up for the "Summer Slowdown" season
with a focus on keeping ahead of our competition.
To start us off will be the 10 Day Challenge.
Get a sneak peak here ==>  https://rebrand.ly/10_Day_Challenge

I plan on introducing a new challenge every Friday, so please keep
an eye out for this fun and informative exercise :-)
First Stage will be out this Friday.

I would really appreciate any feedback on this one.

OK, back to the gardens.

Thanks for reading today, and as always...take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of good things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success

Kevin Gerber