Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Published: Sun, 06/12/22

Thanks for dropping by, 
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.

Welcome to all of the new members joining us today :-)

After a brilliant sunny and warm Saturday at The Trottage, we have woken up
to a steady rain and cloudy skies.
The silver lining here, is that I was able to make the finishing touches on my new
Summer Slowdown 10 Stage Marketing Challenge.
I am very excited about this, and I am trying some new design and presentation
techniques that will give a more modern look to my posts.
Please let me know what you think :-)

Alright, lets start this journey together, 
I have created a web page for the 10 Stage Challenge.
Stage 1 is already locked into place, and each week I will add a new challenge.
I will "tweak" the site as needed, so any feedback will be appreciated :-)
Please click the link and we will be on our way :-)

Thanks for reading today, and as always.... take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of great things growing out there

To Your AWM Success

Kevin Gerber

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