Did You Miss The Saturday Post?

Published: Sun, 07/10/22

Thanks for stopping by, 
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.

Welcome to all of the new members joining us today :-)

It's Saturday!!! Time for a little work, a little sun and a little fun.
I may even go for a little dip in the lake, or at least wade in up to my knees LOL

We had a massive service interruption yesterday here in Canada.
One of our top 2 providers lost complete service for the entire day.
Half the country sent back to the stone ages for the day LOL
No phone, TY or internet for most, what a disaster. Or was it.
I know I panicked at first, but settled in to just chillin for the afternoon and evening.
I must say, it was rather nice. And the world did not come to a crashing end :-)

Anyways, it is all back to normal today, with no explanation as to why or what happened.
I did manage to sneak out 1 email yesterday using a connection from a friend who was not
affected by the outage.
But just in case you missed it, here it is again :-)

The June Numbers have been updated in your AWM back office. 
You can also find them here ==> https://rebrand.ly/awm_news

Also Stage 4 of our Summer Challenge has been added to the homepage.
You can find that here ==>https://rebrand.ly/10_Stage_Challenge
For those who have already completed all 4 stages, BRAVO :-)
For those who have not, it is never too late to join in the fun

Have a great weekend everyone. Remember to find the balance between
your business and your fun. Both should be important to you :-)

If you ever need any help, please feel free to ask.
I am always willing to do what I can.

Thanks for reading today, and as always.....take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of good things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success

Kevin Gerber

The $1 Rhino is still on the loose. Cath it if you can.
==> https://rebrand.ly/one_dollar_rhino