This Summer Still Has Some Sizzle

Published: Mon, 08/29/22

Thanks for dropping by, 
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.

Welcome to all of the new members joining us today.

How was your weekend?
It was another spectacular weekend up at The Trottage.
The weather was great, the whole family was up, and the lake was warm.
I could not ask for any more :-)
The sad part is that next weekend is the last long weekend of summer.
I can't believe how fast this summer went, I even saw a few trees with 
leaves starting to change colour. Where does the time go?
But on the bright side, the online marketing activity should start to
come back to life. It really has been a soft summer.
If you are asking why, I just might have the answer :-)

If you missed the Saturday Report, you can find the new report from
our good friend Dawud. THE TIGER REPORT.

If you are in a hurry to day, you can get right to the point :-)
Find it on You Tube

This really is a very useful report, and maps out how the online
marketing landscape has changed, and how we as marketers can
pivot to ensure our continued success.
I highly recommend picking this one up.

That is all for this Monday, have a great week :-)

Please let me know if you need any help or assistance.
I am always willing to help out where I can.

Thanks for reading today, and as always…..
take time to smell the advertising, 
there are a lot of great things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success

Kevin Gerber

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Kevin Gerber
Owner / Admin
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer
4K Enterprises

373 Village Cr.
Kitchener Ontario N2M 4V2

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