Happy August!! The July Numbers Are In

Published: Tue, 08/01/23

The July Numbers

Hey there 

Thanks for dropping by,
I hope your AWM Business is 
growing daily :-)


We are officially halfway through the school break,
and the dreaded slow season.
Although business has slowed down, it has not completely
evaporated. There still is a fairly steady flow of active marketers
out there. I hope you are one of those :-)
How are you doing navigating the slower marketing climate?

For me, the Summer Throwback has been a nice addition to my
marketing strategy. I am getting some decent traction from it.
Here was this past weekends entry

Now on to the real reason for my email, The July Numbers :-)
As I mentioned above, we are in a bit of a slower time of year,
but the rate of new members has been quite surprising.
Thank you all for your efforts :-)
My AWM Top 5 advertising sites for July are below.
Position #4 was a surprise, but that is why we track :-)
If we don't track, we don't know. 
I am trying out a new splash page for the numbers,
please let me know what you think.

As you can see, I am using new splash pages to convey
my results and offers. Let me know what you think.
The summer months are just fantastic for trying new
things and learning new methods.

Don't be afraid do dive in and get your creativity on :-)
Our good friend Martin Chantler has created a super
easy page builder that I simply love using.
Simply create your page/post, generate the code, and pop it into
any of the no cost blog pages I keep telling you about. Like this one :-)

Have a great week everyone!!

Thanks for reading today, and as always...... take time to smell
the advertising, there are a lot of great things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success


The AWM Library is full of effective tools
to help boost your AWM Business.
Take a walk down the aisles today :-)
Kevin Gerber
Owner / Admin
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer
4K Enterprises

373 Village Cr.
Kitchener Ontario N2M 4V2

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