The Monday Marketer - May By The Numbers

Published: Tue, 06/06/23

Thanks for dropping by, 
I hope your AWM business is growing daily.

A new week filled with endless possibilities.
How exciting!!

How was everyones weekend?
Mine was fantastic, but it is also nice to return
to some reliable internet here at the home office :-)

Not only is it a new week, but it is the first Monday of the month.
That means its time to Review the Numbers.

The top 5 advertising sites were very surprising in May.
2 Traffic Exchanges made the top 5, which is rare.
I checked it twice, and it is legit, they both performed well 
enough to crack the Top 5.
That is just another example of how tracking is so crucial to knowing 
what is working.

Find the Top 5 here

The Top Tools Award goes to
Easy Affiliate Commissions -

This was a no-brainer, this new tool outperformed all the rest
by 4X.  That was incredible performance.
Easy Affiliate Commissions is also the newest addition to the 5 Fab Freebies.
That did help a bit LOL.

All the May numbers have been updated in your AWM Back Office.

Make sure to log in and check out the numbers :-)

That is it for today, have a great week everyone.

If you ever need any help, please send me a note.
I will do what I can :-)

Thanks for reading, and as always....take time to smell the advertising,
there is always something great growing out there.

To Your AWM Success

Kevin Gerber

I have also started a new event to liven up the summer.
The Summer Saturday Throwbacks.
Check out last weekends throwback.
The Gold Standard -
A simple Method To A Daily Online Income

Kevin Gerber
Owner / Admin
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer
4K Enterprises

373 Village Cr.
Kitchener Ontario N2M 4V2

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