TGIF!! Celebrations are Everywhere

Published: Fri, 06/16/23


Hey there 

Thanks for stopping by, 
I hope your AWM business is growing daily :-)

Today is Sparky's birthday!!
I wont tell you what her age is, since she will be reading this,
but I can say that it doesn't start with a 6 yet LOL
We also have a wedding on Saturday, so its a double celebration weekend :-)
This one will be an outdoor wedding, held at a farm.
Barn weddings are pretty cool, so I am really looking forward to it.
Just as long as it doesn't rain LOL

There is also plenty to celebrate in our online world as well :-)

First off, we had an excellent new launch from the Elite Tigers Group,
This is a superb traffic generating tool that packs a double punch.
Daily targeted traffic, PLUS a weekly Mega Mailout.
This one really is a must have marketing tool.

I just came across another awesome no cost program you can use to 
 build both your list, and your bottom line.
I am in the process of testing this one out, but it looks really good so far.
I can pretty much guarantee that this one will make the Fab 5 Freebies.
Make sure to check this one out.

And last but certainly not least, Jason Wise has just launched his latest site.
This site offers an incredible amount of bonus codes over a wide range
of advertising sites. It is an advertisers dream.
Jason put a lot of thought into this new site, and it really shows.
I encourage everyone to pick this one up.
I have added it to the AWM downline builder, so make sure to log in
and add your referral info.

WOW, that was an awesome week.
The online activity felt more like an early fall week, that a late spring.
You gotta love this business :-)

Have a great weekend all!!

Thanks for reading today, and as always...take time to smell the advertising, 
there are a lot of great things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success

Kevin Gerber

Kevin Gerber
Owner / Admin
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer
4K Enterprises

373 Village Cr.
Kitchener Ontario N2M 4V2

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