The News For This Weekend

Published: Sat, 02/10/24

Thanks for stopping by,
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily :-)

It is a sunny Sunday morning here in Kitchener, and I plan on taking
a nice hike on the trails after I hit send. A temperature of -1C in February
is simply to good to pass up :-)
But before that, lets get a bit of business out of the way.

I just found out yesterday that Marci Jones-Fritz has retired from her online business.
That is a bit of a shocker, being that Marci was a real pioneer in the exchange marketing niche.
She ran many successful sites, 2 of which are part of the AWM Downline Builder.
Viral Commissions and Viral Taco Traffic have been removed from the downline. These were 2
very good advertising sites, and I will certainly reinstate them if they become active again.
In place of those, I have added the new mailer I Love Traffic. I am getting excellent results from
this brand new mailer. Log in today and add this gem to your AWM Business.

In case you missed the Numbers Review last week, here they are again.
I have packaged them up a couple of different ways, because creating
unique ways to present to our list is always important.
Check out the January 2024 Numbers below :-)


This weeks SUNDAY FIVE DOLLAR FEATURE is a real "humdinger"  :-)) !!
Super 7  -

That will do it for todays Sunday Post.
Have a great start to the week everyone !!

Please let me know if you have any marketing questions, or if you need
any help with your online business. I am always willing to lend support
where I can :-)

Thanks for reading, and as always...take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of great things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success

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Kevin Gerber
Owner / Admin
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer
4K Enterprises

373 Village Cr.
Kitchener Ontario N2M 4V2

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