The Power Of Tracking

Published: Fri, 10/08/21

Thanks for dropping by,
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.

Welcome to all the new members joining us :-)

I know I talk about this subject a lot, but tracking is so vital to  building a successful business
 and I thought that the beginning of a new  month is the perfect time to discuss it yet again.
 For those of you who are not sure what I mean by tracking, let me explain.

 We all put out our ads everyday promoting our program, product or site.  
From those advertising efforts, we get signups, referrals and sales. 
But  where did they come from, what advertising source brought that customer  to us? 
The Power of Knowing that answer is the key to setting up an effective advertising campaign.
 Finding out that answer is the purpose of the Tracking Site. By using a  tracking site, 
you can find out all sorts of useful information about  your ads. Like what advertising source opened the most emails, 
which one  gave us the most click, and even which one gave us the most sales. 
All  this information helps us determine which advertising sources are giving  us the best results, and which ones are not.
 Our time is valuable, so knowing what advertising sources are going to  give our ads the best chance 
of getting the results we are looking for  is key to managing our time wisely.

 A simple example would be that we joined Site A and Site B to promote our ads.
 We get our tracking link set up from our tracking site, and we start advertising that link in both sites.
 We places 1000 ads every 3 days for a month.
 At the end of that month we looked at our tracking site report and saw  
that 250 emails had been opened from site A and only  15 from site B.
 That basic information quickly shows us that after 1 month of consistent  advertising, 
site B was not giving us the results we want for that ad  campaign.
 So, instead of continuing to use a site that is not performing, 
we would  look for another site to give us results more like site A.
 After testing and tracking a bunch of our sites, we will come up with a  core group of sites 
that we now know and trust will give us good  results.

 By concentrating our advertising efforts to these core sites, we maximize our success.
 By constantly tracking our ads, and finding out what is working, we also  expand our group of trusted sites. 
The more trusted sites we have the  more success we have. The Power of Knowing

 There are plenty of tracking sites available to you, from basic to  advanced. 
I would suggest doing a little research and see which one  suites your needs.
 I personally use and trust Leads Leap for all of my tracking. This one is free to join with fantastic member  support, 
but also has a minimal yearly subscription if you are looking  for a bit more, or a tracking a large number of ads.
 I highly encourage everyone to get involved with tracking. 
We all work  very hard at our online business, tools that help us work smarter are  game changers. 
Trackers are game changers, the Power of Knowing builds  success!
LEADS LEAP is part of your AWM downline builder, ==> LEADS LEAP
Did you miss the September Numbers Post?
See how I put my tracking to good use everyday.

If you need help with tracking or any other aspect of your marketing, 
please let me know. I am always willing to help out where I can :-)

Thanks for reading today, and as always…take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of great things growing out there.

To Your AWM Success
Be Safe and Stay Healthy

Kevin Gerber
Affiliate Wealth Maximizer

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