Going Low

3 step swing ritual (every time)

Published: Mon, 02/19/24

While Arnold Palmer was playing on the Champions Tour, he sought out a colleague and coach for some much needed advice on distance. Much to his…

#1 WORST sleeping position

Published: Mon, 02/19/24

Want to know the WORST sleeping position? According to a renowned Canadian injury specialist, this position is a flashing red alert to your body's…

Stretch your foot like THIS [Harvard]

Published: Sat, 02/17/24

Help with balance? To boost balance and prevent falls – Featured Golf Health SponsorTHIS “foot stretch” has restored perfect balance in over 112,928…

Power vs. Finesse for your game

Published: Fri, 02/16/24

The golf swing is both power and finesse. The lower body is designed for power- the upper body for finesse. If you can translate this knowledge into a…

Secret is in the dirt

Published: Fri, 02/16/24

Today we call it the transition.That all important place in the golf swing where there’s a change of direction that occurs between the backswing and…

Too many swing thoughts

Published: Thu, 02/15/24

Focus on those things he can control Swing Thoughts Last Chance Specials: You must order today (e pires tonight)Lessons from legends (learn the…

⛳ simple ways to lower your score

Published: Thu, 02/15/24

a quick golf hackKnowing how to hit the ball and learning how to play the game are quite different, right? Sadly, many golfers get stuck on posture,…

Avid senior golfers

Published: Wed, 02/14/24

Focus on those things he can control Help for Senior Golfers According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences, golfers' swing speeds…

old golf lessons (new insights)

Published: Wed, 02/14/24

Wanted to make sure you saw this. You won't find anything like it on the internet. However, it e pires in less than 24 hours. Great insights from some…

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