A Growing Biden and Bibi Divide

Published: Wed, 12/13/23

Biden and Netanyahu's public disagreements over Hamas and Gaza's governance highlight policy differences between the allies.Insert Preheader


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Should U.S. aid to Ukraine be tied to American border security?



A Growing Biden and Bibi Divide


The rifts between Biden and Netanyahu over the handling of Hamas and the future governance of Gaza became publicly evident, reflecting significant policy differences between the two allies.


Israel Pumps Sea Water Into Tunnels

The Wall Street Journal

Israel's military has started pumping seawater into Hamas's Gaza tunnels, a measure aimed at destroying the underground network crucial to the group's operations.


Haley Wins Sununu's Endorsement


Governor Chris Sununu has endorsed former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Republican presidential race, marking a significant political move in the primary contest.


Read: TX Supreme Court Abortion Ruling

Supreme Court of Texas

The Texas Supreme Court overturned a lower court's ruling that would have allowed women like Kate Cox to have an abortion in Texas despite a fatal fetal diagnosis and risks to her health.


Watch Today's Headlines


Ten Israeli Soldiers Die in Blast

The Times of Israel

Ten Israeli soldiers, including two senior officers, were killed in Gaza's Shejaiya during intense combat and ambushes, escalating the death toll to 115 in one of the deadliest ground offensives so far.


Zelensky Wants "Results" Not Words

The Hill

President Zelensky, receiving verbal support in Washington, emphasized the need for concrete actions and results, especially regarding delayed U.S. aid amidst a contentious political battle.


U.S. Deploys AI in "Virtual Border Wall"


The U.S. is establishing a "virtual wall" at the southern border with high-tech, AI-equipped surveillance towers to detect people, addressing migration and smuggling but raising civil liberties concerns.


NBC Passes on Al Michaels for Playoffs


NBC has reportedly decided to use Noah Eagle, 26, for the play-by-play commentary of its No. 2 NFL playoff broadcast crew in January, opting not to bring back Al Michaels for this role.


Bok: Donors Shouldn't Set Campus Policy

The Philadelphia Inquirer

Scott L. Bok, former chair of Penn's board of trustees, stresses the importance of universities avoiding monetary influence on policies and curriculum, amidst culture wars and free speech challenges.


Harvard Endowment is Over $50 Billion

CBS News

Harvard University, the wealthiest U.S. university with an endowment over $50 billion, is richer than the GDPs of more than 120 nations, while facing criticism for handling donor influence.


Have You Heard of "The Night Agent"?

The Hollywood Reporter

Netflix released viewing data for over 18,000 titles in the first half of 2023, marking a step towards transparency, revealing 'The Night Agent' and 'Ginny & Georgia' as the most watched.


Harvard's Plagiarism Probe of Gay

The New York Post

Harvard secretly investigated President Gay for plagiarism, clearing her but acknowledging minor corrections needed, amid controversy over her Congressional testimony on antisemitism.


Nude Painting Row at French School


In France, a teacher walkout occurred after students refused to view a nude painting and accused the teacher of racism and Islamophobia, prompting a visit by the education minister.


Report: Kraft Has Decided on Belichick


Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, has reportedly decided to part ways with coach Bill Belichick after the season, following a string of significant game losses and the team's poor performance.


Understanding Your Clutter


Professional organizer Star Hansen shares her decluttering philosophy, emphasizing ongoing organization and offering practical tips for effectively managing and reducing clutter.


Board Calls for Ouster After Sex Scandal

CBS4 Miami

The Sarasota County School Board voted to recommend the resignation of Bridget Ziegler, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, due to her involvement in a sexual assault investigation against her husband.


Pharmacies Share Data Without Warrant


A Congressional investigation revealed major U.S. pharmacies frequently share customers' medical records with law enforcement without requiring a warrant, raising privacy concerns.


How To Revive Local News

The Nation

The concept of "news deserts" in America, affecting both rural and urban areas, signifies a nationwide decline in local journalism, undermining its crucial role in democracy.


120 Shooting Stars Per Hour

NBC News

The Geminids meteor shower, peaking this week with up to 120 shooting stars per hour, offers a spectacular view under clear skies, best observed from a dark location with a view towards the south.


4 Women Testify on Coast Guard Assaults


Four women testified to Congress about sexual assault and harassment at the US Coast Guard Academy, leading to severe mental trauma and no consequences for perpetrators.


Biden Tells Reporters to 'Hush Up'

For the Left

President Biden, dismissing the press, told reporters to "hush up" during a meeting with President Zelenskyy and a White House Eid al-Fitr event, continuing his pattern of curt responses to media inquiries. 


AI Hoaxes Are 'Persistent Threat'

For the Right

A terrorism assessment center report warns that extremists could use AI deepfakes to spread misinformation, incite violence, and undermine trust, emphasizing the need for better detection and media literacy. 



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