Fred Goldman: OJ Death "No Great Loss"

Published: Fri, 04/12/24

The father of murder victim Ron Goldman reacted to O.J. Simpson's death by stating it was "no great loss to the world," underscoring his continued grief over his son's death.Insert Preheader

Today's Poll Question

Should schools send parents letters alerting them to obesity concerns in their children?


Fred Goldman: OJ Death "No Great Loss"


Fred Goldman, father of murder victim Ron Goldman, reacted to O.J. Simpson's death by stating it was "no great loss to the world," underscoring his continued grief over his son's death.


Donald Trump Loses Another Lawyer


Evan Corcoran, an attorney who turned into a key witness against Trump in the classified documents case, has left Trump’s legal team as the case remains unresolved in South Florida.


Biden May Be Bumped From WA Ballot

ABC News

Washington State plans to use provisional ballots to keep Biden on the November ballot, addressing conflicts between DNC dates and state deadlines, a strategy also under consideration in Ohio and Alabama.


It's Hard To Change Electoral College


Efforts to change Electoral College rules, like Nebraska Republicans' recent failed attempt at a winner-take-all system, demonstrate the difficulty of altering how electoral votes are awarded in the U.S.


Watch Today's Headlines

Ohtani Interpreter Charged With Fraud

CBS Sports

Shohei Ohtani's former interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara, faces 30 years as he has been charged with bank fraud after allegedly stealing $16M from the MLB superstar to fund his illegal sports betting.


RFK Jr. Staffer Fired

New York Post

Rita Palma was fired from RFK Jr.'s presidential campaign after a video surfaced of her misrepresenting her role and stating that the primary goal of Kennedy's voters was to oppose Biden.


Times Tweaks OJ Obit


The New York Times revised O.J. Simpson's obituary after it sparked outrage by initially focusing on his football fame and Hollywood fortune while downplaying his infamous murder trial.


Iran Seeks To Contain Israel Response


Iran has communicated to the U.S. that it plans a controlled and non-hasty response to Israel's attack on its Syrian embassy to avoid major escalation, while also pressing for a Gaza ceasefire.


Biden Loses Support Among Black Men

The Wall Street Journal

Biden is losing support among African American men, with 30% in a recent poll indicating a preference for Trump, a challenge in maintaining one of the Democratic Party's key voter bases.


Trump Takes Shot at NPR

The Hill

Trump called for defunding NPR, labeling it a "liberal disinformation machine," following critical remarks about the network's bias and editorial direction by senior editor Uri Berliner.


Study: White Names Get More Call Backs

American Economic Association

A field experiment in the labor market revealed that fictitious resumes with White-sounding names received 50% more callbacks for interviews than those with African-American-sounding names.


Trump Tests the Limits of Gag Order

Associated Press

Trump challenged a revised gag order by publicly insulting Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, potential witnesses in his trial, potentially influencing jury opinions before the proceedings.


Biden Expands Gun Check Rules


The Biden admin has finalized a rule requiring background checks for online and gun show firearm sales, aiming to close the "gun show loophole" and increase compliance with federal regulations.


Meet the Chicago Tomato Man


Bob Zeni, "The Chicago Tomato Man," is gaining popularity for cultivating nearly 10,000 tomato plants in his basement in Lagrange Park, selling over 120 heirloom varieties at local markets.


Tiger Didn't Lose It Thursday


Round 1 of the 2024 Masters was suspended with Woods 1 under through 13 holes, making a steady start despite tough conditions, aiming for a historic 24th consecutive made cut at Augusta.


TN Bans Aiding Minors' Abortions


The Tennessee Senate passed a bill prohibiting adults from helping minors obtain abortions without parental consent, raising concerns about limiting access for young victims of rape or incest.


FBI Agents Struggle To Make Ends Meet


Many FBI agents in high-cost cities are struggling financially, facing challenges like shared housing and long commutes, prompting calls for a housing allowance to aid retention and recruitment.


Fishermen Saved With Palm "HELP" Signal

USA Today

The U.S. Coast Guard and Navy rescued three men stranded on a remote Pacific island after spotting their "HELP" sign made from palm leaves, the second rescue on that island in four years.


Menendez, Wife To Have Separate Trials

NBC New York

A judge has ordered separate trials for New Jersey Senator Menendez and his wife Nadine, who are both charged in a bribery scheme involving cash and gold bars exchanged for political favors.


Matt Gaetz Is Winning, But What Prize?

The Atlantic

Matt Gaetz is influential, with political victories and aspirations for higher office, but his rise has been marred by controversies, raising questions about the long-term costs of his methods.


Latino Support for Border Wall Increases

For the Left

Support for building a border wall and presidential authority to shut the border has surged among Hispanic Americans, alongside increasing Latino backing for Trump.


Making Cement Damaging for Climate

For the Right

A California startup has introduced a technology that reduces the climate impact of cement by capturing carbon dioxide during production and using it to create a lower-carbon cement. 



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