Marian Kuhn - BOP with MarianRK

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It’s Time for a Road Trip

Published: Thu, 06/20/24

Road Trip C.O.P! Kit It’s Time for a Road Trip Is your family going on a road trip this summer? When I was young, we didn't do tons of road trips. The…

Sea Turtles Launch

Published: Thu, 05/30/24

A Gentle Reminder to Stay on Track Hey, On Memorial Day, for just a little while (because it was soooo hot), we went to the beach. As we were walking…

So Many Books... And a Book Club in May

Published: Tue, 04/30/24

So Many Books...So Little Time! Hey, Did you love the Just One More Chapter C.O.P! kit a few months ago? I know me and a whole bunch of others did…

Lighthouses and Lobsters by the Seashore!

Published: Wed, 04/17/24

By the Seashore C.O.P! Kit By the Seashore By the Seashore brings you the enchanting spirit of the northeastern coast where our lighthouses and…

April's Mixed Media Vibes

Published: Sat, 03/30/24

Mi ed Media Vibes with a little Lilac mi ed in! Hey, Happy Easter weekend! I hope you'll be hunting Easter Eggs and enjoying family and friends over…

Buzzworthy Newness Launches on March 1st!

Published: Wed, 02/28/24

We're all abuzz... Hey, As the sun shines a little brighter and flowers start to bloom, I'm buzzing with e citement to unveil our mini-but-mighty…

New C.O.P! - Handbags and Shoes

Published: Thu, 02/15/24

Handbags and Shoes Handbags and Shoes Who wouldn't want a snazzy new handbag or fabulous pair of shoes to jumpstart spring? When I was in the…

Happy February!!!

Published: Thu, 02/01/24

Coffee or Gnomes! Which is Your Favorite? Hey, Wow! February is here! Last month, we talked about Word of the Year. So, did you choose a word of the…

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