Your Welcome To Agency Web Traffic Members News

Published: Tue, 03/14/23

We just had more members who had
upgraded to Pro-Reseller go free.
How? They got ONE REFERRAL by 
sharing their link.

Now they get all the perks and all
the income  from all their downline
referrals and they have a business
online that actually is building them
an income.

Which is way better than sitting
around being broke, worried or
even justified because they had
too much fear to actually invest
in themselves,  their lives and their

So many people think they can
spend nothing and do nothing
but make internet millions...

Welcome  to a very hard and
very disappointing world, as that
kind of thinking.. well you see
them everywhere, they are 
totally broke and tell everyone

When others.. even them...
actually know why, they are
not doing what it takes to
not be broke.

Sad but we can not help every
one in the World, only the men
and women who WANT a great
life and who are DETERMINED
to be a big success...

I know that 157 a month is scary to
many people.

So why did Paul make the membership
and reseller license  two hundred
dollars knowing many people 
would not buy it?

Three reasons.
We are revolutionary tech  that no
one else has and our main service
of building a huge list of active
buyers, for members is stunning
and very, very profitable.

If there is a cheap cost say like,
seventeen dollars and you get
half, whoopie you made 7-8
bucks.. run buy a car and pay
bills, not.

Our platform offers our resellers
a complete AI suite of software
additional funnels, Mastermind
live events and a...

And a...
And a.. READY?
You need income to LIVE 

And our commission plan that
pays you 100% on the first sale
of membership and resellers
license PAYS YOU BACK for your

Shut up, no one does that!
We are here to help people
all  over the World with this.

It is Genius level programming
that no one else has and it
makes income for those who
have it.

So SCAREDY CATS don't have
To be scared.. one referral 
and you are PAID.

Then you make half of every
thing they make.

YOU just wait until these
free trial accounts start
paying out, you will see
the net go WILD.

I already know, I get the

But every day that your
reseller link goes to your
list of everyone you have ever
sent to your link  and you
have a resellers program, you
are building BANK.

And everyday  this link:
This is your link if your not in yet
is sharing and selling to all
those people and you are
not in.. 

You do not get that income.
You do have the App and for
forty nine bucks a month if 
you can not make so much 
income with it,  would only
mean, you did not attend the
Live events, or share your
link because the system is

Share your link, make a nice

Step one and two, share your
link, make a nice income.

If your not in yet go here:

I am putting in the CHAT-GPT
portal for all  members to
help them get their site out
to the world and...

The entire AI suite is being
installed for members  and
I have some very cool suprises
that most of you don't even
know about.

Ok,  that's it for now.
David Stapleton Resellers Bank Cash

P.S. Support
P.S.S.  Did you know that if
you  saw a big bag of one
hundred dollar bills laying
on the ground that you would
have to pick it up if you 
wanted it?

Meaning you would have to go


This is for people online who
want a big bag of hundred
dollar bills and they are so
ready to PICK IT UP so they
can HAVE IT t is unreal..

Oh yea.. we have 700 members
now  :- )


522 W Mermod St
Carlsbad NM 88220

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