Dangers in Taking B12 Supplements?

Published: Wed, 10/04/23

As I've shared in a previous Newsletter, a chemist who works on our B12 Probiotics, told me that the majority of the Vitamin B12 supplements on the market today are excreted out through the urine.

Since then, I decided to validate this information. He was correct. At the clinical study here, after taking a 1,000 mcg oral supplement, only approximately 1.3% (or 13 mcg) of B12 was absorbed into the bloodstream. In this study, the more mcg of B12 that you take, the lower the percentage of how much B12 gets absorbed into the bloodstream. So when you take 1000 mcg's of B12 per day, you absorb only 13 mcg's. Some people are taking 2500 mcg or even 5000 mcg of B12 per day.

Yes, that gets you well above the RDA of 2.4 mcg's a day. However, what if all of that excess B12 vitamins is causing you agitation and insomnia?

A customer forwarded me this short post below from Emily D'Adamo, who is a Naturopathic Doctor and daughter of Peter D'Adamo, who is author of 'Eat Right for Your Type', and the 'Blood Type Diet'. She talks about how taking methylated B vitamins, including B12, can really mess up a person's nervous system if they have type O blood, and cause a person much anxiety and insomnia.

About 40% of the population has Blood Type O. However, she does states that other blood types can also experience this due to having slow variants of particular enzymes.

Here is the short post by Dr. D'Adamo:

"Does your B vitamin make you anxious? Let me tell you why. 

Some people take an 'active' B complex vitamin and feel great. Others experience agitation and insomnia.

This agitated state is often preceded by a period of hyper-productivity, mental clarity, and focus. It's then followed by a "crash" involving fatigue, increased pain, agitation, worsened allergies, and insomnia. 

This is due to methyl trapping: a neuroexcitatory state caused by a discrepancy between the rate of one's methylation cycle, and the enzymes used to clear methylated signaling molecules. In the early period, the body is firing on all cylinders. Then the imbalance sets in. 

Phase 1: Euphoric: The methylation cycle is sufficient in cofactors, and your COMT and MOA enzymes have enough juice to degrade dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. All is good. 

Phase 2: Crash: The methylation slows down, and your COMT and MAO enzymes are sweating to clear out those same stress signaling neurotransmitters, which are beginning to back up. Your HNMT enzyme is also beginning to struggle clearing out histamine. 

Who methyl traps?

Baseline lower enzymatic activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) is found in Blood Group O, predisposing them to methyl trapping. Other blood groups can have slow variants of MAO and COMT, both of which clear those stress signaling molecules. 

What to do?

First step would be to discontinue the methylated B complex and replace it with active but unmethylated forms like hydroxo and adeno-B12, and folinic acid. 

Additionally, loading up on riboflavin (B2) and magnesium helps fuel MAO and COMT respectively."

So, our customer who shared this information with me from Dr. D'Adamo continues on to say:

I have been having major sleep issues for a long time and have type O blood. I've also been taking various B multi supplements and high potency B12 by itself, all with methylcobalamin. So I've discontinued all of that and I am hoping to see some improvement in my sleep.

I'm looking for a B12 replacement. Dr. D'Adamo recommended a hydroxo or adeno form. It looks like your B12 Probiotic may be a good solution to that! But it's out of stock. Do you know when you'll be getting it back in? I am really wanting to take it. I was just reading all the info. I think I bought it at one time but didn't continue because I didn't realize how superior (and not harmful!) it was. Thanks Matt, I look forward to your response.

Firstly, it's back in stock and 'At-Cost'. Yay! Secondly, our B12 Probiotics are certainly not methylated. It's in the Hydroxo form and it is literally like eating a food in terms of trying to get your B12. You can take 2.4 mcg of our B12 Probiotics and meet the RDA requirements, without worrying about it being excreted out of your urine. Furthermore, you don't have to take hundreds or thousands of mcg's of B12 in a supplement form in order to get this small 2.4 mcg dosage.

In fact, for every 1/2 teaspoon serving that you take of our B12 Probiotics, you literally get your entire Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of B12, which is 2.4 mcg’s in a living bioavailable form. One jar will last you 35 days taking 1/2 teaspoon, giving you all the B12 that you need in a day for over a month (35 days).

After reading all of this information above, I literally spent hours researching if the excess B12 would cause extra work on our body. For example, our COMT and MOA enzymes that Dr. D'adamo talks about above, metabolizes our Neurotransmitters. If they are being overworked due to the excess B12, then I'd be concerned about taking high dosages long-term. They generally do studies just on toxicity, and not whether ingredients overwork the processes of our body. Through my research, it states that this type of research is limited. However, multiple medical websites stated things like the following:

High-dose methyl donor supplements can be helpful in some patients, but should not be continued long-term. The use of these supplements should be seen as an acute therapeutic phase to get patients back into a range that can be maintained with diet and lifestyle.

Why would they say that if there is no potential harm is the question? Again, there is no evidence out there that I can find where taking thousands of mcg's of excess B12 is bad or dangerous. It is probable that the other 50-60% of the people without these issues could be completely fine with such a crazy excess dosage of B12. I would just want to know if this excess B12 is excreted through the urine without causing other unnecessary chemical reactions within the body before it is excreted, such as activating enzymes involved with the brain. It is something to definitely ponder.

From the Raw Vegan's mentality, they, or shall I say we lol, would be like, it's unnatural for the body to get 1000-2500 mcg's of B12 when you only need a measly 2.4 mcg. Yeah, you can say that even though I no longer eat 100% Raw, I'm having a difficult time dropping the entire mentality of it. I've got some serious issues here.

Anyway, I also do believe that the repercussions of a B12 Deficiency is far worse than taking too much B12. Therefore, we want to be monitoring our blood levels as we make these types of decisions. I feel that it's so unnecessary to take so much though.

In that clinical study above, I stated that the more B12 you take, the lower the absorption rate is. Here is a chart of dosages and absorption rates within that study above for an oral dose of B12:

Person with Normal Absorption
1 mcg of B12 absorbs 0.56 mcg (56% Absorption rate)
10 mcg of B12 absorbs 1.6 mcg (16% Absorption rate)
50 mcg of B12 absorbs 1.5 mcg (3% Absorption rate)
500 mcg of B12 absorbs 9.7 mcg (2% Absorption rate)
1000 mcg of B12 absorbs 13 mcg (1.3% Absorption rate)

2.4 mcg is the Recommended Daily Allowance. If we are trying to get 2.4 mcg of B12 while taking the least amount of cobalamin in order to avoid higher dosages, we want to be taking in between 50 and 500 mcg. However, what exact amount gives you 2.4mcg's?

One natural doctor writes:

Adults over the age of 50 are at a greater risk of vitamin B12 deficiency because they tend to produce less stomach acid, which is needed to convert the vitamin properly. Studies show that taking 125–250 micrograms of vitamin B12 is effective for maintaining proper B12 levels for older adults. Consulting with your health care provider about the best dosage for your specific needs is recommended.

This amount 125-250 mcg of B12 is 10x's less than most people are taking in these high dose supplements. However, it's still 100x above the recommended dosage.

The beauty of our B12 Probiotics is that it's like taking a B12 from food. In fact, it's actually used in fortifying human food and animal feed. Furthermore, just like Judy was hoping, the B12 is in the Hydroxocobalamin form. There won't be any methyl trapping issues experienced with our B12 probiotics.

I just took a look at my Multi-Vitamin and it contains 500 mcg of Methylated B12, and I didn't even know it lol. I don't even need it and I'm taking it. I think I'm going to switch multi-vitamins. I malnourished myself so badly for so many years, that I'm one of those types of people who need to temporarily use higher dose vitamins in order to get myself out of this mess. I hope to not have to be on them forever. Especially with my new carrot juice that is coming soon lol. I seriously think that this carrot juice will be better than any multi-vitamin in existence. I actually just decided to stop taking the Multi-Vitamin and just stick with my calcium for now. I get my blood checked every two months or so. Therefore, I will adjust accordingly. If I do go back on a multi-vitamin, it won’t have methylcobalamin.

In that chart above, it says that taking only 10 mcg of B12 will absorb 1.6 mcg at a 16% absorption rate. That is more than half the B12 that you need in a day. 10 mcg's seems way more reasonable compared to 1000 mcg. Another approach if you are concerned about lowering your high dose supplementation due to fear of deficiency, is that you may want to consider a low dose of your B12 supplement alongside our B12 probiotics. If you can get 1.6 mcg from only 10 mcg of your supplement, the B12 Probiotics can definitely supply the other half.

It may be a good adjunct in helping you lower your 1000-2500 mcg high dose B12 supplement if it's a concern for you. If you can monitor your blood levels after many months of doing that, you can maybe get off the high dose completely at that time.

Anyway, I know that many vegans try to be as natural as possible and would refuse to take a high dosage of vitamins like this. Our B12 Probiotics are the best B12 food-like option in existence and absorbs extremely well like getting it from food.

Additionally, the B12 probiotics are also really good for your gut. In fact, many doctors state that you need intestinal flora in order to absorb B12, and this B12 is an intestinal flora. It’s absolutely miraculous how this B12 product comes together. Not only is it more Bioavailable compared to any other B12 supplement on the market, but it has been shown in multiple studies to help with IBS and Colitis in a big way.

On top of our B12 Probiotics, we also have our Postbiotics, and Synergy Blend all 'At-Cost' this month.

If you want to repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria at an exponential rate, taking our Postbiotics is the best way to go. You will not find another Postbiotic product out there that is one single ingredient, 100% Postbiotics. Most Postbiotic supplements on the market today only contain 10-30% of Postbiotics within them. Taking ours is a therapeutic dosage, is God sent like enzymes, and is the best type of biotic out there. There is nothing better out there compared to our Postbiotics.

Lastly, we have our Synergy Probiotic Blend 'At-Cost' today. Both the B12 Probiotics, and the Postbiotics, multiply the probiotics strains that are found within our Synergy Probiotic Blend at an exponential rate. That is why it’s called the Synergy Blend.

Normally, $39.95 each, all three of these products are available ‘At-Cost’ for you today at only $27.97 each when you get a 3-pack. We also have a 3-Variety-Pack, where you only need to get one of each in order to get the $27.97 price on each product.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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