Guggul for Thyroid & Vaginal Inflammation

Published: Thu, 03/14/24

Hey Everyone!

Last time everyone went bananas for our Guggul, and we unfortunately sold out. We had to import more, and it’s finally here.

Guggul is known to be incredible for the thyroid among many other things. However, after this testimonial below came in, that’s when it all went haywire.

This customer wrote in the following testimonial:

I have such an Awesome Report!
on my first dose of Guggul that I took last night at bedtime.

When I got up this morning for my morning pee,
the vaginal inflammation I had for 3 months was Gone.
And I had tried so many other things and yesterday
I just gave up!

None of these worked:
Vitanica Yeast Arrest (with Boron)
Activated Stabilized Oxygen,
Liquid Boron,
dissolved Borax in distilled water,

I am absolutely in Awe!
I hope Matt can keep carrying this product.
I will share with some girlfriends!

Thank you and Bless you. A
Well, Guggul is highly praised for its anti-inflammatory properties, so I can see how this could definitely happen.

I asked her why she got the Guggul in the first place, because the day before, I had shared this study below on how Shatavari has the potential to work as good as antibiotics for Candida in Vaginal thrush patients.

At the clinical study here, the herb Shatavari (aka Asparagus ramosus) shows a high degree of activity against all strains of Candida in vaginal thrush patients and produces results comparable with those of the main antibiotics used to treat this condition (Fluconazole). This research study included Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, Candida guillermondii, Candida parapsilosis and Candida stellatoida!

She was just excited about the Guggul helping her Thyroid with it, and it resulted in curing her Vaginal Inflammation.

Well, our Guggul extract is another one of those potent medicinal herbs, which has been shown in multiple clinical studies to work as well as different pharmaceutical drugs for certain conditions.

Today, I thought that we could heavily focus on how Guggul is super beneficial for the Thyroid, Arthritis, Acne, and Obesity.

However, due to the medicinal compounds that Guggul contains, it helps so much more than that. At the clinical study here, it shares all of the details and studies in regards to how Guggul possesses multiple pharmacological activities, especially hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor effects, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, and so much more. In this same really good summarized study, it also shows that it is really good for Diabetes, Bowel Diseases, Gingivitis, Chronic Kidney Disease, Breast Lumps, Asthma, Memory Impairment, many kinds of Cancers and Tumors, Dementia, Depression, Gastritis, Pancreatitis, and so much more.

One of the main reasons that so many people have been excited for our Guggul is due to how it has the potential to help with the thyroid gland.

A professional nutritionist named Gaylene Kuintzle, who I have much respect for, attended one of my retreats back in the day in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. She started using our Guggul as her thyroid medication when pharmaceutical drugs wouldn't work.

Here is her testimonial below:
"I had hashimotos years ago and I tried all kinds of things to get my thryoid back to normal. I had been on medication for 3 years and just took myself off. It was a lot of hard years trying to get my body balanced. I wanted so badly not to be on medication. I had adrenal fatigue etc. There were many herbs that helped but it wasn't till I took your guggul that the rest fell into place. I had been taking my temperature in the morning because that was what I was told to do to know whether my thyroid was working fully.

I started the guggul four days before I had a doctors appt to take blood tests (I had conceded that I probably needed medication.) My temperature by the 4th day was in range for what they said was normal. That day I drove a 1 1/2 hours to my doctor appt and had my blood test. When I went back she said my T3, T4 and reverse T3 were all normal. Even though my TSH was high. She didn't recommend hormone replacement.

It is my thyroid medication at this point. (much better than a drug form) I tried the medications again before I found your guggul but they made me sick. Thank you for providing a great product.”

I did a YouTube video interview with Gaylene 4 years ago, sharing about how she healed her thyroid condition with our Guggul.

If you are interested in watching that video, you can do so at the link below:

Guggul is well known to possess thyroid stimulatory effects. There are numerous clinical studies supporting the use of Guggul in helping to balance Thyroid levels.

At the clinical study here, T3 resin uptake, protein bound iodine, as well as free thyroxine index in the media were observed to be significantly increased. They concluded that Guggul may be useful in the management of hypothyroidism and its associated disorders like, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis etc.

At the clinical study here, it states that Guggul potentially ameliorates hypothyroidism in female mice. Guggul reversed induced hypothyroidism in mice, showing that it has the potential to stimulate thyroid function.

At the clinical study here on humans, they investigated the management of hypothyroidism employing a Guggul formulation. Results showed that this treatment significantly improved signs and symptoms associated with hypothyroidism, such as weakness, fatigue, and muscle aches.

At the clinical study here, it shows Guggul's thyroid stimulating action. It brought about an increase in iodine-uptake and enhanced activities of thyroid peroxidase and protease as well as oxygen consumption. It ameliorated hypothyroidism through its ability to increase thyroid hormone in vivo.

As you can see, our Guggul has the potential to be extremely helpful for the Thyroid. We just got the Guggul in so it’s super fresh and potent.

Below, I thought that I would also go a little bit deeper into talking about how Guggul is also really good for Arthritis, Acne, and Obesity.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis which affects a wide range of people. Since Guggul has been reported to exhibit high affectivity against arthritis in numerous animal studies, its effect was evaluated in numerous clinical studies on humans. In one such study here, Guggul extract was administered to 30 patients with knee osteoarthritis. The patients receiving drug treatment reported a decrease in knee pain and swelling of the knee joint as well as increased knee flexion. Additionally, those treated with Guggul increased their walking distance.

In a similar study here, 30 patients with arthritis were treated with Guggul for 1 month which resulted in remarkable improvement in the total WOMAC scores of the patients condition. The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) is widely used in the evaluation of Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis.

Again, there are also a crazy amount of studies done on animals with arthritis producing profound results.

Not only does it have the potential to work really well on Osteoarthritis, but it has the potential to help with rheumatoid arthritis as well. At the studies here, here, and here, the induction of experimental arthritis in rabbits was modified to provide a better model replica of human arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis, treatment with guggul decreased the thickness of joint swelling, reduced the infiltration of leucocytes into the pleural cavity, suppressed the pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased beta-glucuronidase activity in vivo. A study on rats at the clinical study here, had similar results.

Now let’s move on to the effectiveness of Guggul in treating Acne. Guggul has been shown to be effective in both complementary and alternative treatments for nodulocystic acne, a severe form of acne affecting the face, chest, and back. In fact, at the clinical study here, 21 people found that taking 25 mg of guggulsterone orally was as effective as tetracycline, an antibiotic commonly used to treat acne. Additionally, people with notably oily skin responded significantly better to guggulsterone than the tetracycline treatment.

At the study here, they found that taking guggul orally for 6 weeks helped treat acne without causing any major adverse effects. At the clinical study here, it was also shown to be effective in both complementary and alternative treatments for nodulocystic acne.

Now let’s take a look at how Guggul can potentially help with Obesity. At this extensive clinical study here, they suggested taking Guggal for what they called Covibesity (rise in obesity rates due to the pandemic). They suggested Guggul, because it is one of the major bioactive compounds in Aryuveda that plays a major role in lowering cholesterol, managing atherosclerosis, and it has also shown its effectiveness in regulating appetite. Therefore, they thought Guggul would be one of the best therapies for COVID pandemic induced obesity. They also stated that the Immune boosting capability of guggulsterone is also worth noticing, as it can help in controlling the cytokine storm which is one of the major inflammatory responses to SARS-CoV-2.

In this study they cited another clinical study here. It shows how the anti-obesity activity of guggulsterone is attributed to the two different pathways in the human body. Therefore, Guggul would be hitting obesity from two completely different angles.

They concluded that this pandemic seems to be evolving with time, so strategies must be developed to tackle CoviBesity. Since guggulsterone proves to possess a great anti-obesity effect, we would recommend the use of guggulsterone isomers to the most vulnerable section of the society.

Here are a couple more quick studies on how Guggul can help with Obesity, and then we will wrap it all up.

At the human study here, 58 people with obesity noted that guggul burned an extra 5 lbs, on average, compared with the non-treated group. At the test-tube study here, Guggul induces the breakdown of fat, thus reducing the volume of fatty tissue. Another rat study here, found that guggul had positive effects on the appetite-regulating hormones ghrelin and leptin. One more study here, of an Aryuvedic herbal formulation containing Guggul with three other herbs reduced both skin-fold thickness and body circumference.

Remember, we just got this stuff in fresh. The guggulsterone potency is out of this world.

We have both our Guggul and Shatavari on special today. Our Guggul comes to only $14.97 each when you get a 3-pack, and our Shatavari comes to $12.97 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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