Sunflower Lecithin's Back & Great Vegan Chart

Published: Tue, 03/19/24

I know that we haven't had our Sunflower Lecithin in stock for a little while. The price has just skyrocketed over the last many months, and I've been trying to find the best route to go.

The border between Russia and Ukraine is renowned as the world's largest sunflower grower. Strangely, the importation of this product is currently restricted to Russia and not Ukraine. This market constraint has resulted in heightened demand, consequently leading to an increase in prices.

We get our Sunflower Lecithin from farms in Germany. Our particular farm has both Certified Organic, and just Organically Grown, which is organic, but not certified organic. Both products are exactly the same thing, both void of pesticides, and they are both Non-GMO Verified.

However, the pricing would be $10 more per bag if I got the actual certified organic version. Therefore, I made the decision to just get the organically grown one. It would either be $19.95 for 8oz, or $29.95 for 8oz for the same exact product.

There is a lack of supply on the Certified Organic Sunflower Lecithin, and that's why the price has skyrocketed.

I know that on Amazon, there is one seller who is selling Organic Sunflower Lecithin at a somewhat decent price.

However, if you remember, a customer wrote in sharing a testimonial, which included their experience from purchasing from this seller on Amazon in order to save a few dollars. They wrote:

"Your sunflower lecithin is outstanding. dry and fluffy. had ordered some organic brand on Amazon and it was clumpy and gummy."

I asked the customer, which brand it was. Sure enough, it was the cheaper priced organic one on Amazon.

I wrote this company who sells this cheaper Sunflower Lecithin on Amazon in order to open a wholesale account. I usually do this with a lot of the competition just to see what is going on.

I asked them about the Sunflower Lecithin, and they wrote me stating:

Organic Sunflower Lecithin Powder is available in 25kg drums. We have 3025kg in stock ready to ship.

Well, that answered every last one of my questions! They have 3025kg's worth of Sunflower Lecithin just sitting there in barrels in their warehouse collecting dust. That's over 13000 bags worth. No wonder why it was so clumpy and gummy.

They must have bought this stuff long ago, before the war started. Hence, why their pricing is a bit better.

I just purchased this Sunflower Lecithin fresh, literally last week. That's why you'll never get a gummy version. Whenever I offer a Superfood on special like this for the month, it means that I am buying it fresh there on the spot for you guys. We flip our Superfoods unlike any other company out there for freshness, and you will never catch me storing over 13000 bags worth of Sunflower Lecithin barreled up in a warehouse.

The stuff that we are offering to you today is as fresh as it gets, and top notch.

Now Sunflower Lecithin is one of those key Superfoods, and is critical for Vegans and Vegetarians, which I'll explain further below.

Sunflower Lecithin is extremely gentle on the system. It kind of reminds me of Slippery Elm Bark in some way. However, what it does for our gut is so much more. At the clinical study here, Lecithin was shown to account for more than 70% of total phospholipids within the intestinal mucus layer. Therefore, our Sunflower Lecithin is one of the major precursor building blocks in forming the protective barrier in order to prevent the invasion of harmful bacteria. This would mean that our Sunflower Lecithin may be especially beneficial for people with Leaky Gut, and those with digestive conditions, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.

It's also really good in smoothies, because of the texture that it produces. It acts as an emulsifier. It enables fat and water to mix, which keeps the ingredients from separating. This can make your smoothie ultra-creamy, and in some cases it can give it an almost fluffy texture. Many raw food chefs love to use it in recipes, because of its emulsifying capabilities.

If you are a Vegetarian or on a Vegan diet, you may want to consider taking our Sunflower Lecithin for the Choline. Choline is one of the most critical nutrients that I made sure to take daily when I was on a Raw Vegan Diet. I wanted to make sure that I was feeding my brain this essential nutrient. As you will see below, it is not easy to get your daily intake of Choline on a Vegan or Vegetarian diet.

Choline is considered an essential nutrient, and is critical for our brains and helping to avoid Alzheimer's.

In fact, lecithin is a major precursor to the number one brain neurotransmitter Acetylcholine.

At the clinical study here, lecithin increases choline plasma by 2x’s or more in the human body. In contrast, choline deficient diets lead to a reduction of the choline plasma levels by about 50%. This study goes on to say, “Choline is considered an essential nutrient, which is predominantly supplied as phosphatidylcholine (lecithin). For a long time, neuroscientists have been intrigued by the fact that choline is a precursor for the biosynthesis of both acetylcholine (ACh) and phospholipids. For 50 years, lecithin has been marketed in Europe as a drug that was claimed to prevent exhaustion of membrane phospholipids in the Central Nervous System and therefore could reinforce “neuronal strength”.

If we are deficient in choline/lecithin, then our acetylcholine neurotransmitters are going to be lacking in their required precursor building blocks. Remember, Acetylcholine transmits nerve impulses and is essential for optimal brain function, learning, and memory.

Lecithin is the most pure organic source of dietary choline. Although different, many people and studies use the terms Lecithin and choline interchangeably. In fact, taking lecithin has been shown to produce relatively greater and more sustained levels of choline than taking a choline supplement by itself. The key here is that you are getting absorbable organic phosphorus and choline, which is actually useable by the brain, glands, and body. This super fresh Sunflower Lecithin that we have today, is perfect for the job.

The recommended daily value of choline is 550mg's per day of this essential nutrient. For people who eat eggs and fish, this is fairly easy to obtain.

However, if you are on a vegan diet, it's much more difficult.

Below is a list of all the top Choline-rich foods on a vegan diet.

Choline Part One
Choline Part Two

The top two items are 1 cup of Soy Milk proving 57.3mg of choline, and a Large Red Potato providing 56.5mg of choline. You could eat one of those 10 times a day to get your choline lol. There are lots of foods, but the choline levels just plummet down from there.

The beauty of our Sunflower Lecithin is that one tablespoon has about 120 mg's of Choline. That goes way beyond any other vegan food. Furthermore, it is the most absorbable choline food available, and will help you reach your choline goals much more easily. To help you with more perspective, one egg has about 147 mg of's Choline. Therefore, one tablespoon of Sunflower Lecithin almost equals about one egg.

Even if you are not Vegan, I highly recommend consuming our Sunflower Lecithin.

The benefits of Sunflower Lecithin goes way beyond all of which I just discussed above due to the high amount of organic phosphorus that it contains. I don't know if you remember my mind blowing "spiritual" Newsletter that I wrote on Sunflower Lecithin. Many people consider it one of my greatest works of all time, and is available at the link here.

I just reread that, and now I am literally eating it by many heaping spoonfuls at a time. It just melts and dissolves inside your mouth, and feels so comforting in your gut afterwards. It's exactly what I need.

In that Newsletter, I share links to a handful of old school books from the most cutting edge Drs from the mid 1900's. In today's day and age, there isn't much data out there on phosphorus. However, back then it was touted as the most critical nutrient for keeping us from going senile, and for keeping our endocrine glands in a state of equilibrium avoiding things like Hypo-Thyroidism.

They also discuss how it decalcifies the body of calcium buildup and how you need phosphorus for creating thoughts. An age old term written in multiple of these old school books was, "No Phosphorus, No Thoughts". It is the number one spiritual nutrient. In fact, Lecithin is more abundant in the pineal gland than anywhere else in the body. They stated the more learned you are, the more phosphorus you have in your brain. Again, if you think about it, it's even the precursor to Acetylcholine.

Maybe I'll resend that Newsletter over the weekend sometime for you to read. It's profound.

Anyhow, we've got our very fresh Sunflower Lecithin available for you on special today for only $19.95 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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