Magtein, 4th Alzheimer’s Component

Published: Thu, 03/21/24

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday we introduced our new MCT oil Powder, and we discussed how it has the potential to help with Alzheimer’s Disease, along with three other products.

To summarize, the MCT oil powder can help your brain utilize an alternative energy source, when Alzheimer's impairs your brain's ability to use sugar. Sunflower Lecithin provides endless precursors to your Acetylcholine Neurotransmitters. Lastly, our Systemic enzymes can dissolve rogue proteins, and possibly even amyloid plaque to help get your brain back into shape.

The fourth component that has the potential to help with Alzheimer’s is our Magtein, and that is what we are offering on special today. All of these products are on special through the end of March.

Magtein was originally developed to increase memory, in particular for Alzheimer’s Patients.

As seen in the clinical study here, Researchers found that Alzheimer’s Disease patients in clinical, experimental, and autopsy studies, Magnesium levels were decreased in the serum and brain tissues. Furthermore, this study shares how Magnesium is required for many processes of the brain, including the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, which is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the human brain, and is critical for memory formation.

The problem is, they never found a magnesium that could cross the Brain Blood Barrier in order to help the brain at max capacity; until now. This is why researchers created Magtein.

Magtein is Magnesium L-Threonate, and it is a patented combination of magnesium and a vitamin C compound called ‘Threonic Acid’ developed by a group of MIT researchers.

Magnesium L-threonate is easily absorbed and able to enter the brain, where it may reverse the aging in our brains. It has already been shown to help adults with sleep disorders, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction, and has the potential to help manage certain brain disorders, such as depression and age-related memory loss. It has also been shown to help with epilepsy and brain seizures.

As you will see at the study included at the link here, they concluded that magnesium levels in the brain were higher in subjects that either didn’t receive supplemental magnesium or were given another type, and suggested that Magtein was able to cross the blood-brain and blood-CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) barriers because threonate effectively transports the mineral to brain neurons. 

So, once you are able to get magnesium past the Brain Blood Barrier, you are able to feed the brain. You end up with more neurons, more synapsis, and more synaptic activity.

At the link here, four published preclinical studies found that Magtein improved memory, and helped prevent the decline and reversed the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Additionally, the ability to raise brain magnesium levels were evaluated among the most bioavailable organic and inorganic magnesium forms, and Magtein was the only magnesium compound to raise the cerebrospinal fluid magnesium concentration with statistical significance. Cerebrospinal fluid is one of the most valuable fluids in the body, and coats the brain, eyes, and spine.

That is big time, and I can see why this product is so popular.

It becomes more difficult to absorb magnesium with time, putting older adults at a higher risk of Magnesium inadequacy. Also, if a person has type-2 diabetes or insulin resistance, high levels of glucose in the kidneys can cause the body to excrete more magnesium, and as they age may cause memory issues in the long-run.

Please keep in mind that they say it may take a month or so for the Magtein to start working, so be patient.

Another great thing about Magtein is that it’s absolutely odorless and tasteless. There are a lot of forms of magnesium that taste absolutely horrible, and this one is fantastic. You simply just mix it up with a littler water, juice or anything really. It’s completely water soluble.

They recommend about 2000 mgs per day, or 2 grams per day, which is about 1/2 a teaspoon total. I recommend taking a gram in the morning, then take another gram before you go to bed, which is about 1/4 of a teaspoon each time. You will most likely sleep extremely well and very deep, while remembering your dreams a lot better. One customer confirmed this, but of course everyone is different. For those with Dementia, it has been suggested that a person can take up to 6 grams per day.

This along with our Systemic Enzymes, Sunflower Lecithin, and our MCT Oil Powder are the four best brain products that I have ever come across, and the Magtein is the only magnesium that substantially crosses the Brain Blood Barrier. What’s really cool is that our Magtein is just one single ingredient; Magtein. Every other Magtein product that I have come across has other ingredients. Ours is 100% Pure, Magtein Powder.

We normally have Magtein listed for $39.95, and you can get it now for only $27.95 when you get a 3-pack through the end of the month.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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