Last Special of the Month

Published: Tue, 03/26/24

Hey Everyone!

We’ve got our last special of the month for March available, and it is our Certified Organic Untoasted Nori Sheets.

These Nori Sheets are the most nutritious Nori Sheets on the planet.

In regular sushi nori production, the final step is called "Roasting" or "Toasting". During this process, the Nori Sheets are toasted to a crisp at 255 degrees.

For our Nori Sheets, the temperature never goes above 140 degrees, which is 115 degrees less. I know that many people here will say that the raw temperatures where enzymes die is anywhere from 118 degrees to 135 degrees, which would classify our 140 degree temperature not raw. However, it's only heated at that temperature to remove moisture. It's actually electrically monitored, and as soon as the Nori Sheets hits 5% moisture, the heating automatically stops, which I believe would still classify these Nori Sheets as Raw.


I remember Dr. Gabriel Cousins once saying that if you don't have a dehydrator, it's ok to use an oven above the raw temperatures with the door open as you remove the moisture, and it shouldn't affect the food. However, once the moisture is gone, and the contents are completely dried, you want to remove it before the enzymes start dying. Therefore, as long as there is moisture, the temporary higher heats shouldn’t impact the enzymes.

Here is exactly how our Nori Sheets are processed.

Our Nori Sheets start off by being pressed to remove most of the moisture. The Nori Sheets are then laid out on racks, where they are dehydrated for a short period of time using circulation fans in a strictly temperature and humidity controlled drying warehouse, which never goes above 140 degrees, as the moisture is dropped to 5%. Right when the moisture hits 5%, the heating is automatically stopped through electronic detection. Regardless, of how you want to give the Raw Classification of these Nori Sheets, it is so consciously done compared to all the other Nori Sheets out there. I have had zero issues eating these Nori Sheets for the last 25 years, even when I was extreme 100% Raw Vegan.

No other Nori Sheets come close to these. They need to prevent mold and bacteria from moisture, and this process is pretty much exactly how far you can take it without having any issues. It's actually quite amazing what they have created here. You are definitely going to get the highest quality nutrients available in these Nori Sheets compared to all other Nori Sheets available our there today.

Speaking of the nutrition, did you know that if you ate 1.5 sheets of our specific kind of Nori Sheets that you would get all of the B12 (2.4mcg’s) that you need in a day?

Our specific kind of Nori Sheets (Purple Laver), of the Porphyra Yezoensis species, had the highest level of bio-active and bio-available B12 compared to all other vegetarian sources.

In the Conclusions of the clinical study here, it states, “A survey of naturally occurring and high Vitamin B12-containing plant-derived food sources showed that nori, which is formed into a sheet and dried, is the most suitable Vitamin B12 source for vegetarians presently available. Consumption of approximately 4 g of dried purple laver supplies the B12 RDA of 2.4 μg/day.” That would be 1.5 of our Nori Sheets in order to get the RDA of 2.4 μg/day of B-12.

To avoid any questions on whether the B12 in our Nori Sheets are B12 Analogues or the real bio-active B12, in the clinical study here, the edible purple laver, Porphyra yezoensis, which is the exact same and the one and only species used in our Nori Sheets, were identical to those of authentic vitamin B12, but not to those of vitamin B12 analogues inactive for humans.

Then at the clinical study here, it shows that it works at helping to raise B12 levels. It shows that they gave 6 vegan children aged 7 to 14 nori, and they concluded that the consumption of nori may keep vegans from suffering B12 deficiency.

This clinical study is pretty mind blowing here, which states that there are 5 types of Biologically Active B12 compounds in our specific species of Nori (cyano, hydroxo, sulfito, adensoyl, and methylcobalamin) with the last two adensoyl and methylocobalamin making up 60% of the total. In this study, they once again tested our specific kind of Nori (Porphyra Yezoensis species) on rats to see how they would do with B12. The results indicate that vitamin B12 in dried purple laver is bioavailable to rats.

I think that’s pretty darn cool that in every Nori Sheet, you get 5 different biologically human active compounds of Vitamin B12. I don’t think I have ever heard of any food containing that amount of active B12 compounds before.

Anyhow, if you are eating bread, tortilla’s, or crackers containing flour, these Nori Sheets can act like wraps. Therefore, they can be a pathway to eating healthier by replacing these flour products for these Nori Sheets. Plus they taste really good and remind you of Sushi. Keep in mind though, that they can get a bit chewy and messy if a lot of moisture is involved lol.

Nori is also loaded with other nutrients. I can't get my head around how 2 sheets should provide .6mg of Iron and 130 mcg of Vitamin K, which is more than all the Vitamin K that you need in a day. You will also get protein, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, and folate.

It doesn't get better than the quality of our Untoasted Nori Sheets. Normally $25.95, we have bags of 50 Nori Sheets 'At-Cost' for only $17.49 when you get a 3-pack. I believe Wholefoods has 10 toasted Nori Sheets for $10 so it's a pretty darn good deal.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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