Postbiotics, Sauerkraut on Steroids

Published: Wed, 04/03/24

Hey Everyone!

I’m always trying to find different ways on how to convey to you that our Postbiotics are way better than any other Probiotic or Prebiotic on the market today.

Our Postbiotics are to Sauerkraut, as our Juice Powders are to freshly made vegetable juices. Taking a 1/3 teaspoon of our Postbiotics would be like eating a grip load of sauerkraut without the roughage.

Many people think that the benefits of eating Sauerkraut is due to the probiotics within the Sauerkraut. However, the true benefit comes from the Postbiotics that it contains.

The way it works is that Probiotics, feed off of Prebiotics. Once they do that, the Probiotics produce Postbiotics, which is really what does all of the beneficial things in the human body as you will see below. When the sauerkraut ferments, it is simply creating an onslaught of Postbiotics. Saurkraut is so good for you, not because of the Probiotics that it contains, but because it is loaded with a ridiculous amount of Postbiotics. Taking our Postbiotics straight would be equivalent to eating lots and lots of Sauerkraut.

Our Postbiotics are the best Biotic available to mankind.

Our Postbiotics are produced through a natural fermentation process by microorganisms that are not genetically modified. They are produced through a traditional fermentation process, which is Generally Recognize as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA. The fermentation process that we use naturally produces a complex mixture of Postbiotics, which includes organic acids, peptides and other fermented compounds, similar to how Postbiotics are produced within the body and in fermented foods such as sauerkraut.

As I’ve shared many times in the past, Postbiotics are the next generation of Biotics. All of the benefits that you see in studies from probiotics, are actually happening due to the Postbiotics in which the Probiotics create. Science works on cause and effect. So when they saw people ingest probiotics and get benefits, they just assumed that the probiotics were producing the benefits. However, remember, Probiotics feed on Prebiotics, the Probiotics excrete Postbiotics as a byproduct. The Postbiotics then make all of these beneficial things happen within the body, which prebiotics and probiotics get credit for.

So now, Science is finally starting to catch up with this. There was a clinical study that was published just a handful of months ago at the link here. This study states, “However, new scientific evidence points out that the beneficial health benefits of probiotics are not necessarily directly related to viable bacteria. However, the metabolites or bacterial components of the live bacteria are the driving force behind health promotion. Therefore, scientists gradually noticed that the beneficial effects of probiotics are based on bacteria itself, metabolites, or cell lysates, and these factors are officially named “postbiotics” by the ISAPP.“

What they are saying here is that they are finally realizing that the benefits that a person gets from probiotics are actually happening from the Postbiotics. If they would have just listened to me in the first place! lol

The study goes on to say that the use of postbiotics may improve physical health, with the observed effects being independent of the presence of the bacteria (probiotics). Therefore, the presence of Probiotics doesn't even matter as long as there are Postbiotics present.

This study endlessly praises the benefits of Postbiotics compared to probiotics. However, towards the end, they do state that Postbiotics, unlike Probiotics, do not proliferate or grow in the gut and thus do not provide a sustained effect once supplementation is discontinued. 

The issue here is that science doesn’t understand yet the exponential impact Postbiotics has on gut bacteria proliferation quite yet. In the future, I will say, "I told ya so."

When science finally discovers that Postbiotics increases probiotic population 100x’s more than prebiotics, all hell is going to break loose and people won’t be able to keep the Postbiotics on the shelves. Postbiotics actually has a greater impact on gut bacteria proliferation, compared to any other substance in existence, including prebiotics.

Science believes that it's the Prebiotics that is the main factor which increases our gut population. Again, science is cause and effect, so they see that Probiotics feed off of prebiotics and it results in probiotic growth. However, as you are about to see, it is actually the Postbiotics, which is the actual component that grows probiotic population, and not the prebiotics.

As many of you know, I shared in the past a private clinic study performed by the company who creates our actual Postbiotics.

In this study, as you will see in the chart below, they grew two probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis, in the presence of either Prebiotics or our actual Postbiotics. The Probiotics in all concentrations of our Postbiotics vastly outgrew the probiotics in all concentrations of the Prebiotic Inulin. As the percentage of our Postbiotics increased, the higher the final enumeration of the probiotic bacteria. However, as the percentage of prebiotics increased, the lower the final enumeration of the probiotic bacteria. See the chart below. The blue represents our Postbiotics and the tan represents the Prebiotic Inulin.

So what this is pretty much saying is that these two strains of Probiotics grew exponentially in the presence of our Postbiotics. The more Postbiotics you put in, the more growth the bacteria experienced. The potential of gut proliferation is endless with Postbiotics. However, with prebiotics, the gut proliferation is limited. The prebiotic Inulin also grew the probiotic population at an extremely lesser rate, and if you put too much in it was counterproductive, and the growth was much less.

Why on earth are prebiotics limited in creating gut proliferation?

When you give Prebiotics to Probiotics, they create Postbiotics. The Postbiotics then increase the probiotic population. The growth is actually due to the Postbiotics that the Probiotics made from feeding off of the Prebiotics. The prebiotics do it indirectly due to them assisting in the creation of the Postbiotics, which is what really does the job in probiotic proliferation. Therefore, once the Postbiotics are created, they are the actual component raising the Probiotic Bacteria levels, and not the Prebiotics.

Therefore, if you just throw the Postbiotics in directly, instead of the Prebiotics, you get a much higher exponential growth-rate of Probiotics. Probiotics can only make so many Postbiotics from Prebiotics. They are limited in how much they can feed. In fact, as seen in that chart, too much Prebiotic food slows them down. However, you can literally take a therapeutic dosage of our Postbiotics to make this gut bacteria proliferation process go absolutely haywire. There is no limit, the more Postbiotics that you put in, the more the probiotics in your gut multiplies.

So, when science finally realizes that it's the Postbiotics and not the Prebiotics, which grows Probiotic population, and that when you throw in Posbtiotics directly that you get an unlimited exponential growth of gut proliferation while Prebiotics are limited, they will change their tune when they say, "Postbiotics do not provide a sustained effect once supplementation is discontinued." The exponential mark that Postbiotics leaves on Gut proliferation is a scientific miracle.

If you want to fully populate your gut fast and at an exponential rate with beneficial bacteria, there is no better way to do this than with our Postbiotics.

You will not find another Postbiotic product out there like ours that is one single ingredient, 100% Postbiotics. Most Postbiotic supplements on the market today only contain 10-30% of Postbiotics within them. Taking ours is a therapeutic dosage, is God sent like enzymes, and is the best type of biotic out there. There is no better biotic out there compared to our Postbiotics.

If you don’t think that you have a sufficient amount of probiotics within your system in order for our Postbiotics to go to work on, then you can take our Sunbiotic Probiotics with it. This will help to provide your gut with beneficial bacteria in order for our Postbiotics to go to work on. Both the B12 Probiotics, and the Postbiotics, multiply the probiotics strains that are found within the Sunbiotic Probiotic tablets at an exponential rate. We have the Sunbiotic Probiotic tablets 'At-Cost too'.

We also have our B12 Probiotics available 'At-Cost'. Not only is it more Bioavailable compared to any other B12 supplement on the market, but it has been shown in multiple studies to help with IBS and Colitis in a big way.

Normally our B12 Probiotics and our Postbiotics are $39.95 each. We have them available ‘At-Cost’ for you today at only $27.97 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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