Grapefruit's Back, Arthritis Knock Out

Published: Tue, 05/07/24

Updated: Tue, 05/07/24

Hey Everyone!

Our Grapefruit Juice Powder is finally back in stock, and available to order.

This has been one of the most requested juice powders since it has been out of stock. I got mine just yesterday. It was just made, and therefore it is super fresh. It's the best batch of Grapefruit Juice Powder yet. I'm back to taking a tablespoon and putting it into my morning freshly squeezed Orange Juice. It enhances the taste, and increases those citrus crystals, which just feels so good going down my throat.

However, the main reason that I drink it every single day is that it is hands down the best product in the world in order to remove calcification from the body.

Due to years of eating inorganic calcium elements contained in processed breads, cereals, cakes, and other flour products, these inorganic calcium elements build up and cause all sorts of ruckus in the body. They are responsible for things like arthritis, varicose veins, cataracts, hemorrhoids, arterial plaque, stones in our organs, and so much more.

In Dr. Norman Walker's book, he has all sorts of vegetable and fruit juice combination remedies for helping all different kinds of ailments. For arthritis, grapefruit juice is the number one remedy that he gives. Anything that has to do with calcification, such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins and cataracts, the grapefruit juice is recommended by him.

Dr. Norman Walker states, "Because the afflicted cartilage has a magnetic attraction for inorganic calcium atoms, the blood deposits them in specific parts of the anatomy, such as in the case of hemorrhoids. In arthritis they solidify the cartilage and ligaments, while in hemorrhoids they form a coagulated blood fibrin. In either case, the eating of foods containing these inorganic calcium atoms does not create even the slightest suspicion of what eventually may take place.

Once an arthritic deposit has taken root, however, it becomes progressively menacing until actual bone distortion may take place. The enlargement of the joints is usually the first manifestation after the occasional shots of sharp pain at shorter or longer intervals make themselves felt. Once the incrustations of this calcium have established themselves, their headway becomes a matter of routine and their deposit becomes cumulative."

Now the solution, is the Grapefruit Juice.

He goes on to say, "One of the most effective elements with which to help dissolve this inorganic, incrustated calcium has been found in grapefruit, in its organic salicylic acid content. Thus, one pint or more of fresh grapefruit juice daily helps to dissolve this accumulation of foreign matter."

Of course he also says it's just as imperative to eliminate the cause of the calcification, which again is the processed breads, cereals, cakes, and other flour products.

If we can completely eliminate these types of foods from your diet, and also drink Grapefruit Juice and/or take our Grapefruit Juice Powder daily, it may very well help us over the long-run with our vision by deteriorating the cataracts, help with arthritis, arterial plaque, varicose veins and all of the other many issues caused by calcification.

This Raw Organic Grapefruit Juice Powder is extremely powerful, in such a different way compared to all of the other Raw Organic Vegetable Juices. When you take it straight into your mouth, it has such a powerful Grapefruit citrus potency. You feel it going down your throat, and it just dissolves mucus. Above I said that those citrus crystals feel so good going down my throat. Let me try to explain what I meant.

You know when you have a sore throat and you drink citrus it just feels so good going down? Mixing a tablespoon of the Grapefruit Juice Powder into orange juice is the biggest citrus hit like this that you can possibly imagine. It feels so good and healing on the throat going down. It just dissolves all the mucus on its way. On top of all of this mucus dissolving, the multitude of Salicylic Acid contained within this Grapefruit Juice Powder, is just magically traveling through the ethers of my body dissolving all of the calcium deposits slowly but surely.

This raw Organic Grapefruit Juice powder, just has a very powerful dissolving aspect to it, and when taken long-term over time can provide incredible results with removing calcification from the body, and possibly increased longevity. There is not a better remedy available on this planet for dissolving calcification deposits, compared to our Raw Organic Grapefruit Juice Powder or just making your own straight grapefruit juice. However, to get the best results, you want to do it every single day without skipping a beat. Of course again, you also want to remove the cause of the calcification, by removing those harmful foods from your diet if you haven't done so already.

I believe that our Grapefruit Juice Powder and/or Grapefruit Juice is the most powerful way to decalcify the human body.

I don't take the Grapefruit Juice Powder with any of the other Vegetable Juice Powders. Every morning I drink a small glass of Orange Juice that I juice from Organic Oranges in order to get my Vitamin C. I add a Tablespoon of the Grapefruit juice powder to it every single day. This enhances it to an entire new level, providing me with the ultimate decalcification and mucus dissolving remedy. Lastly, it's an absolute delight to drink.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

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