We Need All of the Minerals

Published: Wed, 05/15/24

Updated: Sat, 05/18/24

Hey Everyone!

When people think of needing minerals in their diet, they mainly think of the most common ones, like Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, etc. However, there are many that are completely left out of the RDA system. In fact, there are many minerals that you probably haven't even heard of, and if we are deficient will cause issues within the human body.

For example, The sinovial fluid, the lubricating substance in the joints, requires Bismuth. The appendix needs Erbium. The pineal gland needs both Iridium and Lithium. The outer skin of the body needs Chromium. Bone marrow requires Iron and Phosphorus. The kidneys need Iron and Neptunium. The gall bladder requires Neptunium. The cerebro-spinal fluid needs Actinium, Bromine, Lanthanum, Oxygen, Radium and Uranium. The blood circulation of the brain requires Bromine, Oxygen, Platinum, Selenium and Thallium.

I can go on for pages giving examples of functions of the anatomy and the trace elements that they require in order to perform at maximum efficiency. The few examples I have cited should reveal how important it is to keep the body constantly replenished with a supply of these invaluable, Trace Elements.

So, there is not just a handful of minerals that we need, which is part of the RDA system. The last time I checked, there were 43 documented trace elements, which the body can't produce on its own.

Now, you are not going to find every single one of these elusive trace elements within the vegetable or fruit kingdom. This is why many of the pioneers and experts turn to the ocean in order to get this vast array of trace elements. We have heard these pioneers discuss the importance of eating seaweed and Celtic sea salt. However, Dr. Norman Walker talks about the importance of taking an Ocean Water Mineral Supplement. There is something very special about Quintessential, which is an ocean water mineral supplement, and it goes way beyond any other mineral supplement available to man.

Quintessential contains 78 naturally occurring minerals and trace elements that are easily absorbed and utilized by the body, the majority of which are no longer found in our food supply. It will provide all the different minerals that you need, including all of these elusive minerals. Often supplements contain mineral complexes that are difficult for the body to absorb, however, the elements and minerals found in Quintessential do not require further breakdown and are passively absorbed by the digestive tract.

Before I show you a chart of how the Quintessential is harvested from unique vortex plankton blooms in the Atlantic Ocean, here is a quick excerpt from Dr. Norman Walker discussing how he took a few drops of sea water multiple times a day. Keep in mind, this man lived to be 100 years old.

"All the mineral and chemical elements in SEA WATER are already in colloidal or liquid form and in their inherent state. In fact, they are so naturally concentrated that it requires only a minimal amount, actually a matter of a reasonably small number of drops, to vitalize and energize a whole tumblerful of fruit or vegetable juices.

For example: oranges are not as good today as they were 20 or 30 years ago, because both soil and atmosphere have become too polluted for their good. We just bought a crate of oranges from a farmer who is both particular and fussy about his crops. We have bought oranges from him for years, but we have noticed, as the years went by, that there was a certain mild sting in their taste that became more pronounced of late, although the quality otherwise is excellent. By adding about a quarter teaspoonful or less of CATALINA SEA WATER to each tumblerful of orange juice the taste and quality was immediately enhanced, and we enjoyed a delicious drink.

As a matter of fact, we always keep a pint bottle of CATALINA SEA WATER (which we buy at the Health Food Store) in our kitchen and add a few drops from it to every beverage, even to pure straight water when we drink it, and to our salads and other food. In this way we feel confident that we are getting our quota of Trace Elements into our system every day."

Now, this Quintessential product goes even way beyond the Catalina Sea Water that Dr. Norman Walker used to take.

In this image below, it demonstrates how Quintessential is harvested from a unique vortex plankton bloom in the Atlantic Ocean. Here, biological activity known as 'Biocenosis', a complex interaction among the all known minerals and trace elements, organic nutrients, microbes, RNA, DNA, phytoplankton and zooplankton, is at its peak.

Girl in a jacket

Raw seawater from this location exhibits special biochemical and energetic properties that are distinct from the surrounding ocean. This product has helped hundreds of people heal. After extraction from a depth of 30 meters, the solution is transported at 4 degrees C in sterile containers to Laboratoires Quinton, a certified pharmaceutical facility in Spain. Heat sterilization and radiation are never used so that its “living” quality and efficacy are preserved 100%, due to minimal processing and cold-microfiltration.

One of the key aspects to this ocean water mineral supplement, is the fact that it is harvested from these special vortex blooms where marine phytoplankton and zooplankton congregate. The company talks about how this special mineral/RNA/DNA solution can aid the extracellular bio-terrain and restore the quality of our internal fluids. Those who have tried Quintessential, including myself, report an energetic transfer and restorative health benefits not found taking other mineral products.

The Quintessential company has also demonstrated how their product is very similar to the human blood molecule, and shares graphs and charts in their literature. I was now just reading Dr. Norman Walker's Distilled Water book, and he practically said the same thing about the human blood molecule and sea water. I'm telling you, he was way ahead of his time.

He states,  "Sea Water is loaded with mineral elements. Sea Water from the Oceans contains all the 16 gross mineral elements which are needed for the maintenance of the human body and, in addition, it contains all of the trace elements, 43 of them, of which the human body is composed.

However, the sodium chloride is so highly concentrated that, in bulk, sea water is useless for human consumption. Use only about 4 drops of Ocean Water at a time. Just a squirt of it. Sea water from the Oceans is of immense value when it is used in fractional amounts, at the rate of 4 to 8 drops of ocean water to the glass or pint of whatever beverage you plan to drink.

We have used these drops of Ocean Water for a long time and we feel that we have derived much benefit from this practice. The Ocean Water we use is collected from the Pacific Coast of California and is called CATALINA SEA WATER. We get our supply in pint bottles from the Health Food Stores. Ocean Water Is similar to human blood.

The analysis of Ocean Waters corresponds with a remarkable closeness to that of human blood. This fact has proved of great value in the needs for blood transfusions. At sea, when it is neither practical nor expedient to use human blood for transfusions, Ocean Waters have been used with great success and complete safety. As a matter of fact, sometimes Ocean Water has proved to be much safer than the use of human blood for transfusions."

As you can see, you only need a few drops at a time. If you are interested in putting it in your juices, water, and on your salads like Dr. Norman Walker, you can just open one or two packets a day and use it sparingly throughout the day.

Minerals are required in many of the chemical processes within the body. Without them, many of the necessary reactions that occur within the body will not happen properly. For example, trace minerals are key in the growth of our hair. If we don't get enough, we will have a problem growing really thick hair, and our hair will come out really thin.

It's not just hair. If you are deficient in any of the trace minerals, many symptoms and medical diagnosis' can happen. For example, a copper deficiency could result in Neurological problems, and a Manganese deficiency can result in skeletal deformation and inhibit the production of collagen in wound healing, etc.

Taking the Quintessential daily, is just a great way to make sure that you are getting the vast array of all the minerals required by the body. Remember, this is even way better than regular Ocean Water.

Today we have the Quintessential on special for only $42.99 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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