What's the Best Diet?

Published: Mon, 05/20/24

Updated: Sun, 05/26/24

Hey Everyone!

The most profitable dietary industry that I have ever witnessed come into existence, worth millions and millions of dollars, is the Keto diet FAD.

Recently, it’s finally been rivaled by some competition due to the Carnivore Diet FAD that just popped up. It couldn’t take over this massive Keto industry, but it did take a nice bite out of it.

Many people who do the Carnivore Diet are absolutely crazy about it. After sharing one of my health updates, I have never had so many people urge me to do a diet like the Carnivores. They say that they feel so much better and it cured every last health issue that they had. People are so crazy about it that I had one woman pleading with me, please, please, please Matt, do Carnivore, as if her well-being depended on it.

For the Keto diet, you simply eliminate practically all sugar, starches and carbs from your diet.

For the Carnivore Diet, it has split off into a few sectors. One sector eats meat and nothing else. Another sector eats meat, eggs, fish, poultry, dairy, and all other animal products. Lastly, there is a third sector that just popped up, which I like the most, where you do all animal products and also allow as much fruit and raw honey as you like.

Many people have claimed to feel much better, heal, and lose weight on the Keto and all three sectors of the Carnivore diet.

Why would so many people get so much benefit from all of these dietary FAD’s?

Well, it’s not just these diets that people feel so great on. In fact, there have been many dietary FAD’s that have come and gone where people also got incredible results. Some examples would be the Atkins Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Maker’s Diet, Blood Type Diet and so many more. All FAD’s come and go, but people get the same results when they are on them. Why is this?

There is one common denominator, which is shared amongst every single one of these dietary FAD’s. It is due to this common denominator on why every diet works, and why people feel so good.

The one common denominator is that every single one of these diets that I mentioned eliminate processed foods, which includes things like Refined Sugar, Processed Starches, Trans fats, and so on. It’s not rocket science here.

The reason people get such good results and feel so good on the Carnivore diet, is not from eating meat. It’s from eliminating the cake, candy, bread, ice cream, etc. from their diets. Many FAD diets are very difficult to stick with emotionally. However, Carnivore is easy to stick with, because eating meat is very satiating and stimulating, and it takes the cravings away. This makes it very easy for a person to stay off the processed foods and stick with it. It’s a modern day miracle for them, and it's why there are so many people that are doing so darn good on it.

I actually tried the Carnivore diet for 10 days, and I will share my experience just a little bit further below.

So I am here to tell you today that all of these diets are the exact same thing in terms of why they produce results. They all simply eliminate processed foods from their diets, and reap the benefits.

So the goal is to simply eliminate processed foods and take it from there. If you succumb yourself to any of these dietary FAD’s, you are unnecessarily limiting yourself. This causes all sorts of stress and anxiety. The most limiting diet of all is the Keto Diet.

Canadian health expert and physician Peter Attia states that if you are eating a well balanced 3000 calorie diet with only Whole Foods, he sees no evidence that going Keto with 3000 calories will make any difference in a persons body weight. I agree with this 100%. Threfore, the main factor here, just like among all the diets out there, is simply to eliminate processed foods.

Our primary fuel source for our brain is glucose. Burning Ketones is a back up secondary fuel source for our brains for when there is no food available. We are then forced to burn our fat as fuel in order to survive. The Keto industry has successfully capitalized on peoples body image insecurities, and convinced them to forfeit the foods that act as our primary fuel source for our brains, and to only eat the foods that are contained within the Keto industry.

If you watch social media, there are endless Keto experts instilling fear into people about all sorts of things, especially spiking your blood sugars. They have convinced people that it is the greatest evil of all evils.

Spiking our blood sugars is a normal every day physiological process, which has been done since the beginning of time with the fruit in the Garden of Eden. There is nothing wrong in spiking your blood sugar. Our bodies were designed that way, and you have done it all your life. That is what your body is supposed to do.

Back to this common denominator, If you have truly eliminated processed foods from your diet to where you are not eating any refined sugar or processed starches, and if you don’t have Diabetes, then what are you worried about with spiking your blood sugar? There is nothing to worry about! Spiking your blood sugar with Whole Foods like fruit, potatoes, beans, and so on is completely healthy, normal and fine. We have been doing it since the beginning of time. Social media has convinced you that this normal physiological process of the body, spiking your blood sugar, is a deadly sin.

Now, if you are eating processed foods like candy, cakes, bread and so on, and spiking your blood sugar that way, then it’s a different story. The reason you are doing so good on the Keto Diet and Carnivore Diet is the fact that you’ve eliminated these processed foods.

There is no need to worry about spiking your blood sugar in any way if you have eliminated refined sugars and processed starches, which is this one common denominator from all these dietary FAD’s that have ever come into existence.

Now back to the Carnivore diet, when you simply eat meat, such as a burger without the bread, perhaps topped with cheese, easily provides the necessary calories and protein one needs in abundance. Additionally, it’s so satisfying and satiating to the point where it takes away all cravings. This makes the Carnivore diet very easy to follow. Hence, why people do so good on it.

Then there are plant-based diets like the Blue Zone Diet where they recommend eating a diet that emphasizes fiber-rich foods, including beans, nuts, greens, whole grains, fruits and so on. I know that the Carnivores have tried to convince you that these foods are poison, lol. Such fear; lectins, oxalates, phytic acid, spiking blood sugars, oh my. It's literally a joke with how unnecessarily fearful everyone one is. These are some of the healthiest foods available to man. However, man has gone Mad.

Anyway, whether it's the Blue Zone Diet, Keto Diet, or Carnivore Diet, they all eliminate the processed foods.

Since all these diets eliminate the garbage, you can literally combine all three if you want and still get great results. In fact, it would be healthier instead of only eating meat all the time. Again, when you succumb to a particular FAD, you are unnecessarily limiting yourself.

So, all of these diets work exactly the same, because they eliminate the junk. However, make sure that you are getting your protein and calorie requirements.

Many people in the Raw Vegan sector think that eating less and fasting is the answer. Well, maybe for heavy unhealthy people, but not necessarily for people who already eat healthily. A few days ago, a woman wrote into customer service saying that she has health issues and that a nutritionist recommended that she eat animal foods like eggs and things. However, instead, she was thinking to try this smoothie flax seed chia seed diet that she saw on social media. She said that the creator of this diet has gotten some incredible results with people, and wanted my opinion.

I could just sense that this woman keeps falling into a malnourishment state like I always did, which maybe the root of her issues. I told her that, "I’m not a doctor, but for me personally, I have been malnourished for so long that I need to nourish and rebuild myself. I need to rebuild, tissues, muscles, bones, and everything, or I am going to be heading into old age in bad shape. I’ve really done a number on myself.

That type of smoothie and seed diet that you mentioned is the last thing that I would personally want to do. I then explained that it would probably be a good temporary diet for someone who is heavy and unhealthy, and those are probably the people who have been getting the incredible results on it."
She grasped on to what I was saying, and she decided on eating eggs that were recommended to her.

I actually tried the Carnivore Diet with the fruit like that sector does.

It’s always fun to have a burger every rare once in a while. However, I have never eaten quantities like this before. Due to being on a Raw Vegan diet for 23 years, I have an extremely clean body. Before this Carnivore experiment, If I ate meat, I would sweat heavily that night, and I would get a pretty bad body odor. If I ate meat two days in a row, I would feel absolutely rotten and lethargic the next day.

However, I was experimenting and making changes to my diet anyhow. I needed to fill some gaps, like calories and protein, and the Carnivore Diet makes that very easy. Therefore, I pushed through these uncomfortable symptoms that I normally experience when eating meat, and tried it for about 10 days.

There were a lot of extreme highs and extreme lows. I could sense more intensity in my emotions. I would eat 5 cooked egg yolks in the morning with Raw Milk and fruit. Later in the day, I would make two 4oz grass fed burgers, with raw goats Swiss cheese. I would have that with Mayonnaise and Raw Milk.

There were times where I was rushing to make my food as I would become super ravenous at meal times with less control. Then I would get stimulated and high after eating. As I continued the Carnivore Diet for many days, I hit my saturation point and it got too much. Maybe it was the nitrogenous byproducts, I don’t know. My body just said, “No more!”

For the next few days my body just poured out the detox. It felt like I just poisoned myself and let it all come out. I don’t consider it poison, but there is no way that I could do it more than once or twice a week and feel good. I haven’t touched meat since.

For me, I’m coming from the other end of the spectrum when I tried the Carnivore Diet. Most people are at the other end of the spectrum from me where they are eating processed foods. For them, the Carnivore Diet is an improvement and they do extremely well on it based on the premise of what they are leaving out of their diet. However, my diet went so super clean, eating meat would be going backwards for me and I won’t feel well on it.

My recommendation is not to succumb to any dietary FAD. Otherwise, you will unnecessarily limit yourself. Whether it’s just limiting yourself of all the wonderful foods that you can eat, or limiting your freedom due to all sorts of fears such as the fear of regular ol’ blood sugar spikes, and lectins, lol.

All you really have to do is eliminate processed foods, and you can eat all of the foods in any and all of these whole food diets. The possibilities are endless. I have a spreadsheet with all the different foods that I like to eat, along with the calories, protein, and iron content that they contain.

At the end of the day, I go to the spreadsheet and I move the foods that I ate to the top. I can then easily see how many calories I got, and how much protein and iron I ate. Once I finally got it the way I like it, and I felt good eating that way, I would continue to eat pretty much the same thing every single day. That’s just how I work. At this moment and time, I absolutely love my meals. Many times in the past I have been in situations where I just had no desire for food. Now I’m getting super hungry and I eat well. Yay.

So, what's the best diet?

Any, which are void of the processed foods.

I hope that was helpful!

Thanks everyone for your support!




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