Lower Cholesterol with Moringa At Cost

Published: Wed, 05/22/24

Updated: Fri, 05/24/24

Hey Everyone!

Firstly, today we have our Moringa Leaf Powder 8oz bags ‘At-Cost’ for only $6.49 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you remember last time, we talked about how Moringa is one of the best superfoods for helping to lower cholesterol.

We are going to talk about that once again, but first here are some fun facts about Moringa.

Moringa has all of the Amino Acids.
Moringa has 7 times more potassium than bananas.
Moringa has twice as much protein than milk.
Moringa has four times more calcium than milk.
Moringa has five times more Vitamin C compared to an orange.
Moringa has 25 times more iron than spinach.
Moringa has 36 times more magnesium than eggs.
Moringa has 50 times more B3 than peanuts.
Moringa has 56 times more B2 than Bananas.

Moringa is often called the Miracle Tree, because it has some very special properties.

If you have ever had Moringa Leaf Powder, you’ll know that it has a very intense and strong green plant taste to it, as if it was live and just picked out of the ground. This is due to its rare and rich active compounds, which includes alkaloids, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, tannins, and saponins. Moringa is also rich in vitamins, carotenoids, polyphenols, phenolic acids, terpenoids, and flavonoids, which includes a ton of Quercetin.

Due to having so many bioactive compounds that influence lipid homeostasis, Moringa helps to lower cholesterol from many different angles. For example, phenolic compounds, sapoins and flavonoids reduce and delay cholesterol absorption. Furthermore, they bind bile acids, by forming insoluble complexes and increasing their fecal excretion, thereby decreasing plasma cholesterol concentrations. Moringa leaves also contain the bioactive β-sitosterol, with documented cholesterol lowering effects.

I’ve got five different studies below for you on how Moringa helps to lower cholesterol in humans. However, this first study on rabbits I found very interesting. It helped lower cholesterol without any dietary improvements as they fed the rabbits a high-cholesterol diet at the same time as the Moringa. It makes me think that you can give it to someone with high cholesterol who is not willing to improve their diet, and they have the potential to still get some results.

At the clinical study here, they fed rabbits a high‐cholesterol diet for 12 weeks. When these animals were concomitantly given an oral daily dose of 100 mg/kg of a Moringa leaf extract, total serum cholesterol and lipoprotein cholesterol were reduced by 50% and 75%, respectively, while carotid plaque was decreased by 97%.

Here are the five different clinical studies on humans displaying its blood glucose lowering, cholesterol lowering, and anti-diabetic effects. None of these studies involved the use of leaf extracts. It's all done with Moringa Leaf Powder just like what we are offering today.

At the clinical study here, they treated type 2 diabetic subjects with 8 g of powdered Moringa leaf in a tablet form per day for 40 days. A total of 46 subjects were involved in the study. At the end of the study, fasting blood glucose and postprandial blood glucose were 28% and 26% lower, respectively, in the treated subjects. Furthermore, total cholesterol, triglycerides, Low density lipoprotein (LDL)‐cholesterol, and very low density lipoprotein‐cholesterol were 14%, 14%, 29%, and 15% lower relative to the control group.

That's absolutely incredible. You can try taking 8 grams for 40 days and see what kind of results you get. In the study below, they only used 4.6grams for 50 days and got results. You’ll want to figure out intuitively what dosage is best for you.

At the clinical study here, they examined the anti‐dyslipidemic (anti-cholesterol) effects of Moringa in 35 type 2 diabetic subjects. The treated group received 4.6 g of a leaf powder in a tablet form daily for 50 days. Compared with the control group, the treated subjects experienced a 1.6% decrease in total plasma cholesterol and a 6.3% increase in HDL. Comparing this study with the previous studies suggests that higher doses may be more effective.

At the clinical study here, in a single dose study with six type 2 diabetic subjects, the feeding of 50 g of a Moringa leaf powder with a standard meal on a one‐time basis decreased blood glucose levels by 21%.

At the clinical study here, they conducted a study in which 60 type 2 diabetic subjects were given two Moringa leaf powder tablets per day or placebo for up to 3 months. After 3 months, postprandial blood glucose had decreased by 29% relative to the control group, while hemoglobin A1C, an index of glycosylation related to blood glucose levels, decreased by 0.4%.

At the clinical study here, they studied 30 postmenopausal women who were supplemented daily with 7 g of Moringa leaf powder for a period of 3 months. A control group also consisted of 30 postmenopausal women. The data revealed significant increases in serum glutathione peroxidase (18.0%), superoxide dismutase (10.4%), and ascorbic acid (44.4%), with decreases in malondialdehyde (16.3%; lipid peroxidation), markers of antioxidant properties. In addition, a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels (13.5%) as well as an increase in hemoglobin (17.5%) was observed. No adverse effects were reported.

Now you can see why it's one of the top Superfoods for lowering cholesterol and for blood glucose. It's due to all of those rare medicinal elements that it contains.

In addition to lowering Cholesterol, it can help lower blood pressure. For stabilizing blood pressure, Moringa leaves contain several bioactive flavonoid compounds, including nitrile, mustard oil glycosides and thiocarbamate glycosides. The isolated four pure compounds, niazinin A, niazinin B, niazimicin and niazinin A + B—from ethanol extract of Morgina leaves showed a blood pressure lowering effect at the studies here, and here. Furthermore, a recent study reported that Moringa reduced vascular oxidation in spontaneously hypertensive rats at the link here.

Let us go a little bit into the potential of how Moringa provides protection against Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease, and then we'll sum it all up.

At the clinical study here, Moringa demonstrated to enhance memory by nootropic activity and protection against the oxidative stress present in Alzheimers Disease. At the clinical study here, they established an Alzheimers Disease model in rats by injecting a toxin that produces Alzheimers effects. Treatment with Moringa extract markedly increased the number of correct choices among rats in different tests, and it led to the positive alteration of brain monoamines and electrical patterns.

At the clinical study here, they evaluated the effects of an isothiocynate isolated from Moringa in a mouse model of Parkinson's Disease. Results demonstrated great efficacy of this bioactive compound contained in Moringa, which results from myrosinase hydrolysis in favorably modulating the inflammatory and apoptotic pathways as well as oxidative stress. While it is just a component contained in Moringa, they concluded that this component of Moringa can be used in clinical practice as a useful drug for the treatment or prevention of Parkinson's Disease.

As you can see, Moringa has such a wide variety of elements that it’s used for both medicinal purposes and for human nutrition.

We have our Moringa Leaf Powder 8oz bags at an incredible deal for you today. We have Moringa ‘At-Cost’ for only $6.49 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

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