Watered Down Juice Powders

Published: Thu, 06/13/24

Updated: Wed, 06/19/24

Hey Everyone!

Firstly, our Juice Powders are not watered down. Let me explain how others are, and why ours are the best.

Back in the day when I was Raw Vegan, I used to go to Dr. Fred Bisci, as like a mentor.

Even now and again I give him a call about things.

He's now in his mid to late 90's, and he's been on a 100% Raw Vegan Diet for almost 60 years now. He has a practice where he helps people naturally heal from disease with diet.

Fred used to always tell me to take a green food powder in order to "cover my grounds". He just wanted me to make sure that my body was getting everything that it needed when I was on a Raw Foods Diet.

Back then, there weren't that many green food powder options available. The main ones were:

Vitamineral Green
Greener Grasses
Pure Synergy
Perfect Food (From Garden of Life)
Ormus Greens came a little bit later from Sun Warrior

As you will see below, every single one of these green food powders use the same exact green juice powders within their formulas. However, then they all add other ingredients on top of that, which are not juice powders.

The reason that the juice powder ingredients are the same amongst all of these formulas, is because they all get their juice powders from the same company. That company is Liquadry. Liquadry is the only company who has discovered a way to actually make a truly raw living vegetable juice powder.

The big question is, what percentage of these juice powders from Liquadry are within each formula. To me, that determines how high of a quality that green powder is.

Below are the images of the nutrition facts of these top Green Food Powders from back in the day. I put an arrow pointing to the Oat Grass Juice Powder on each label, so you can easily identify that they are all using the same juice powders.

Green Food Formulations

Green Food Formulations 2

On some of these labels, you can get an idea of what the percentage of these Juice Powders are within their formula. For example, if you look at the 'Perfect Food' from Garden of Life, they have a "Perfect Green Juice Blend" at the very top of their nutrition facts. It consists of 5000mg of these incredible Juice Powders, and the rest of the formula is about 5000mg of other things like algae, rice bran tocotrienals, seaweeds, and so forth. Therefore, about half of the 'Perfect Food' formula from Garden of life contains about 50% of these incredible raw living juice powders. That's actually pretty good for a green food formula.

None of the others give the milligrams like this, but it looks like the Ormus Greens, and the Greener Grasses also contain about 50% of these juice powders. What's odd to me is that the Pure Synergy and Vitamineral Green were considered the "Cadillac" of all green food powders back in the day. Yet, the percentage of these juice powders seems to be extremely low.

It is well known, that the best type of nutrition in the Raw Vegan realm is in the form of vegetable juices. In fact, vegetable juices are known to be one of the top means of nutrition amongst all diets. Therefore, I determine a green food powder's quality based off the amount of these truly raw living vegetable juice powders that are within the formula.

The juice powders from Liquadry, are off the charts in nutrition. Here is a comparison Liquadry did with their Barley Grass Juice Powder, versus a Barley Grass whole powder that has not been juiced.


The whole leaf powder did have some Polyphenols, but the rest of the nutrition was practically void comparatively speaking.

I don't even know what the point is of adding whole leaf powders to a green food formula when you can just do its juice. The only thing that I can think of is that it will bring the costs down substantially.

Whole food powders with fiber, do not absorb and nourish the human body like vegetable juice powders do. On top of that, these whole food powders get in the way of the absorption of the juice. Lastly, I don't even know if any company out there knows how to truly make whole food powders with any substantial nutritional value.

Regardless, nothing compares to the Vegetable and Fruit Juice Powders that we get from Liquadry in terms of absorbable nutrition.

So, what Liquadry does is that they provide these companies with bulk bags of their juice powders. Those companies then use their juice powders in their formulations by mixing them with other ingredients, which waters these precious Raw Living juice powders down.

I can actually appreciate some of these Green Food Powder formulations, like Perfect Food, Greener Grasses, and Ormus Greens, which seem to contain about 50% of these juice powders within their formulations. Many people have been well nourished, because of it. However, the other 50% of the ingredients contained within these green food formulations I consider useless fillers. They are no where near as nutritious as the Juice Powders, and they just get in the way.

So, what I have done, is I’ve taken every last individual juice powder that Liquadry makes, and I have put them in a bag with zero fillers. You are getting 100% full potency of these pure Raw Living Juice Powders with every spoonful.

No other company is doing this.

Furthermore, I got them to create a carrot juice powder for the first time in decades, which is 100% pure carrot juice powder with zero other ingredients. This is absolutely unheard of.

If you want to make sure that you are 'covering your grounds' with nutrition in your diet, our 100% Pure Raw Living Juice powders are absolutely the best way to do this.

Now is a great time to order our Juice Powders, because we have the Rawfood15 14.5% discount going on. Simply type in Rawfood15 during checkout and receive 14.5% off your order.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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