Health Update

Published: Mon, 06/17/24

Updated: Wed, 06/19/24

Hey Everyone!

I know that it’s been awhile since I’ve given a health update.

We left off to where I successfully weaned off of all of my meds.

The beauty was that my colon didn’t seem to be impacted by it, and I was doing great.

I’ve always measured how well I am doing based on how my colon was.

From that standpoint, I thought that I was 100% triumphant and healed.

However, I started to run into other problems.

I started getting out of breath again, which made it difficult for me to simply walking around the block.

It was gradual this decline.

I went to the ER two times over the last five months hoping that they would raise my nutritional levels in my blood that were low.

However, this time around, I’ve been drinking carrot juice. The carrot juice kept my nutrition levels high enough to the point where they couldn’t do anything for me. My iron and sodium were low, but not low enough for them to give me an IV. In the past when I went to the ER and I wasn’t drinking carrot juice, my nutritional levels would be detrimental, and I’d be admitted into the hospital. It’s like the Carrot Juice is the only thing absorbing superbly well right now for me.

The ER suggested that I go to specialists to see what was wrong with me.

Therefore, I went to my primary doctor, and he sent me referrals for the following doctors, who specialize in why I may be out of breath.

Pulmonary doctor

Most importantly my primary doctor believed that I needed to go back to my GI doctors and get back on the medicine Humira. My blood markers showed that my inflammation markers were way back up, and this is most likely the root cause of my issues.

Every specialist I went to, pointed me back to my GI doctors in order to get back on the medicine. It was obvious to everyone that this was the root cause of all my issues.

I have inflammation, and I lost a good amount of the weight that I had gained, even though I’m eating the same exact thing as before.

Furthermore, I suffer so much when I start to get out of breath like this. I feel that it is important to exercise every single day, and I suffer so much pushing myself to simply get around the block when this happens. Normally it’s effortless, but if my iron or sodium drops, I’m doomed. On top of that, it’s difficult to do all of my daily tasks.

I’m actually getting an iron infusion today with the hematologist, thank God, but he told me that it was pointless in the long run, if I don’t get with my GI doctors and rectify this.

I know that many people are itching to give me advice right now. I understand that the Carnivore Diet is the big thing right now, and it may have helped heal you from all sorts of things. We talked about why I feel this would happen in a previous newsletter.

Anyhow, I always get many people writing in stating that I have to try the Carnivore Diet, that it will heal me (as if they know), and that it healed every last health issue within their life.

Firstly, I tried it, and it did nothing for me. After doing it for a couple of weeks, I hit saturation point. If I would have eaten one more morsel of meat, I would have vomited.

You have to understand that I am an absolute freak of nature.

Firstly, my body doesn’t work like yours. I had my colon removed and my absorption is shot. Secondly, I was on a Raw Vegan diet for almost 25 years. The sensitivity from this previous diet of mine, along with how my body has been altered with my colon being removed, puts me in a bracket that is impossible for people to understand.

This is one of the many reasons why I am not taking any advice. I have told Jennifer in customer service that if any advice is sent in, to please delete it. This is for my sanity. Therefore, please don’t waste your time or breath sending in any advice. I’ve already made all of my decisions on what I am going to do, and I am super excited about it, and super excited to get my life back fully 100% again.

Now, I will share this information of exactly what I plan to do about my health with you.

I made an appointment with my GI doctors at the Mayo Clinic, telling them my desires to get back on the Humira ASAP, or another similar drug.

Although my colon isn’t in pain, my blood markers show high inflammation scores. When you don’t have a colon like me, and the inflammation is up like this, the absorption is just gone. The purpose of the Humira is to bring down the inflammation, which will enable me to absorb again.

Remember, I lost all this weight, eating the same exact thing that I was eating with the Humira. Going back on this drug, I believe that I will gain all of my weight back. The drug doesn’t make me gain weight, the drug takes the inflammation away so I can actually absorb and gain the weight back.

Also, please keep in mind that for the last 6 months, I have experimented with food in order to try to heal. No forget that, for the last 7 years I have experimented with food, lol. I have tried everything. Food is not always the answer. I promise you, that there is no perfect food combination that you can give me for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that will heal me. It doesn’t always work this way. I was a huge advocate of ‘healing with food’ for over two decades, and I was wrong in thinking that it is a panacea. If anyone is going to figure out how to heal myself with food, it would have been me. I feel that this is one of the reasons why this is happening to me, so people get the message that food is not always the answer, lol. Food is important, but it’s not always a cure for disease.

I’ve been a purist all my life. I was forced to get surgery, because I avoided medical help and the suggested meds that were given to me. Here I am now in a similar situation, and I am stopping now so I don’t run into more problems in the future. I’ve finally learned my lesson.

I’ve been watching this free Television series on Amazon Prime Video. I don’t watch much TV, but on the weekends, I may watch an episode or two of this.

I think it’s called Dr. House.

This doctor is so funny. On one hand, he is the most brilliant doctor in the hospital, yet on the other hand, he is a pharmaceutical junky taking things like Vicodin and oxycodone, and popping these pills all throughout the show. He’s also always goes against hospital protocols, has much success because of it, and he just tells it how it is to the patients.

Anyhow, every episode, there are great examples of how meds are needed in order to heal and save people. Without these meds, these patients would have died. No diet would fix any of these particular issues.

In this show, he is such a brilliant doctor, but just pops these pills continuously. He uses a cane to get around, always has a 5:00 shadow beard, and helps so many people. That spark of helping so many people, and working with his coworkers, is just what makes life worthwhile for him, even though he doesn’t show it.

Popping those meds is just what he personally needs in order to get by in life.

I have been a purist for decades now. It’s going to kill me, if I don’t get medical help.

Some say that I won’t live as long being on Humira or a similar drug.

I feel that it’s the exact opposite. I’d gain my weight back, not always fighting with my iron levels, and being out of breath, and my nutritional levels would skyrocket.

If anything, this drug is going to not only extend my life, but improve the quality of my life 10-fold.

I’m done trying to be a purist in every last way, and I need that Humira drug in order to order to have a normal life.

To be honest with you, I should have never come off of it.

It took me four months to finally get through all of these doctor’s appointments, and that’s one of the reasons why I haven’t given a health update recently.

Now I have to wait for a process in order to get back onto the Humira or a similar drug. The folks at the Mayo Clinic will make me do all of these blood tests, and maybe a colonoscopy, in order to get back on the medicine.

I have an Iron Infusion today, which will temporarily make me feel better I hope. However, it’s just a bandaid until I get the GI stuff back under control.

I am suffering as I have to wait for this process to get back on the meds. The meds can also take up to 3 months to start working. What the medicine does, is it removes the inflammation helping me absorb once again.

Watching Dr. House pop all of these pills on the TV Show, and help people heal with medicine over and over again, kind of clicked something in me in order to get back on this medicine. I’ve seen too many people die in this health food movement fighting for their natural approach.

I’ve even considered taking a low dose of Prednisone, as I wait for this long process of getting back on the meds. I don’t think that I will go that far, lol.

I’ll keep you updated as things progress.

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