Sleeping Herbs At Cost

Published: Thu, 04/04/24

Hey Everyone!

Today we have our Sleep Deep herbal formulation ‘At-Cost’.

Many people use all sorts of formulations in order to help them sleep. For example, melatonin and CBD oil are probably the most popular of them all due to how well they work.

However, there is generally some kind of come down or hangover involved for taking both melatonin and CBD. For many it is worth the small hangover in order to get some sleep. However, for others the hangover is not worth the benefit, especially for purists.

The cool thing about this herbal formulation is that there is no come down or hangover involved. It's simply just a couple of Chinese herbs.

If you don’t remember, last year we discovered these two new herbs that when used together have the potential to help a person sleep, sleep deep, and stay asleep.

As you will see in the testimonials further below, its worked successfully for many people.

The two Chinese Herbs within this formulation are called ‘Bai Zi Ren’ and ‘Yuan Zhi’.

When you combine these two herbs together, that is when the magic happens.

If you use Yuan Zhi by itself, it will help you relax. If you use Bai Zi Ren by itself, it helps to slow down your pulse and your heart rate. It also helps you recover from stress.

When you put the two together, this combination has the potential to just put you right to sleep, and to keep you asleep all throughout the night.

We call this formulation ‘Sleep Deep’.

Here are some testimonials from people who have taken the formulation:

“Hey Matt - I am a friend of your brothers and grew up with you - I love this stuff ! Will you be having this on sale again ? Your product is helping calm my nervous system and improving the quality and quantity for my sleep. I take a big spoonful.”

Dara here takes a big spoonful of this stuff. However, some of us are more sensitive to herbs than others. We don’t use fillers so these herbs are very powerful. When I take it, I only take half the recommended dosage and it does the job well. I would start out slow and then build up to see what dose is perfect for you.

Janice writes, “While I have you I bought your Deep Sleep product and been using it for months I think it’s amazing!”

I had one customer tell me that it worked for them for two weeks or so, and then it stopped working. If this happens to you, it could just be a great tool to have in your cupboard for when you need it. Remember, the Bai Zi Ren herb within this formulation, helps to slow down your pulse and your heart rate, and helps you recover from stress. It helps me relax and recover from stress after a rough work day. It's good to have on hand for when it is needed.

Romy writes, “I used the sleep powder almost one tea spoon felt deeper sleep and dreamed; still woke up but was much better.”

As you can see from these testimonials, people have been getting great results. I’m thinking it’s best to start with a half of a teaspoon. If it doesn’t work for you at that dose, raise it to a teaspoon. If you are sensitive like me and the recommended dosage is too much, lower it to 1/4 teaspoon.

This has got to be the best gentle herbal formulation for helping a person sleep.

This Sleep Deep herbal formulation is normally $25. We have it on sale today for only $15.73 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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