Supercharged C60 At Cost

Published: Wed, 04/10/24

Hey Everyone!

We don’t offer this particular item on special too often. Today we’ve got the Supercharged C60 ‘At-Cost’ for only $149.95 each when you get a 3-pack.

C60 is known to bind to and remove heavy metals, chemicals, and even living microbes (Fungus, Mold, Viruses, etc.) out of the body extremely well. It’s also a very powerful antioxidant and helps with free radical damage.

This product was actually super popular during the time everyone was getting vaccinated for Covid. Many people who regretted taking the vaccine were utilizing this product in order to help detoxify as much of the vaccine garbage out of their system as humanly possible.

I bet they didn't realize that it also has the potential to help fight the actual Covid virus and even the flu. Remember, it has the potential to combat living microbes (Fungus, Mold, Viruses, etc.) Check out these studies.

At the clinical study here, in a cell culture system, we found that several C60 fullerene derivatives inhibit influenza A viral infection. These results indicate that fullerene derivatives are possible candidates for the development of novel anti-influenza drugs.

As you can see above, it could help with the flu, and below it even exhibited anti-coronavirus activity at the study here. This study concludes that since the pristine C60 fullerenes can form a high stable aqueous colloidal solution and exhibit anticoronavirus activity, this expands their use for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.

As you can see, C60 works on viruses. Now let's take a look at how C60 works on detoxifying heavy metals. I have three clinical studies to share below. Each study had success with a different heavy metal. These metals include mercury, lead, and cadmium.

At the clinical study here, it's titled "C60 reduces the bioavailability of mercury in aqueous solutions." This study concludes, "decreased mercury bioavailability is likely due to the increase in mercury's association with C60. These results suggest that C60 may be useful in capturing soluble mercury and thus reducing mercury biotoxicity."

The title of the next heavy metal clinical study here is, "Protective effect of C60-methionine derivate on lead-exposed human neuroblastoma cells". This study concludes, these observations suggest that C60 may serve as a potential antioxidative and neuroprotective agent in the prevention of lead intoxication.

In the last heavy metal clinical study here, they concluded that C60 exhibits anti-genotoxic agents against Cadmium-induced genotoxicity in rats.

Now let's move on to how C60 has the potential to detoxify mold. When I did a search for mold and C60, there were a bunch of studies done on C60 for its use on cleaning the environment of mold. One study stated that C60 Fullerenes are to be produced soon on an industrial scale, which I believe is to help clean the environment of mold and toxins.

In other studies it was shown to help with aflatoxins and mycotoxins. One of the problems with mold is that it produces these substances, such as mycotoxins and aflatoxins, which can have a toxic effect on the body. A mycotoxin is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by fungi, and Aflatoxins are also a family of toxins produced by certain fungi.

The title of this clinical study here is "C60 Nanoparticles Affect Secondary Metabolite Profile of Important Foodborne Mycotoxigenic Fungi In Vitro".
This study concludes that the exposure of C60 directly affected mycotoxin concentrations in important foodborne fungi, indicating that C60 definitely modulates fungal secondary metabolism. What this is saying is that C60 has the potential to protect us against mold.

Now the studies on Aflatoxins were also more geared towards the environment, and I thought it was futile to include those clinical studies here as it would just cause confusion.

Lastly, let's look at C60's anti-microbial properties.

At the clinical study here, Nano-C60 also displayed antimicrobial properties against both E. coli and B. subtilis, with minimal inhibitory concentrations.

As you can see, it looks like C60 it is the ultimate detoxifying agent.

What's crazy about the Supercharged C60 that we are offering to you today, is that it is known to be 10-20x's more effective than C60.

C60 is nothing more than a carbon molecule with 60 atoms on it. The Supercharged C60 is not composed of just one C60 molecule, but they developed a way to attach many C60 molecules together in a linear fashion (similar to a pearl necklace). Instead of having just one C60 molecule, imagine 26 layers on top of that. Therefore, each layer that peals off, you are getting millions of atoms of C60 molecules coming into your system, which are available to grab onto, neutralize, and remove heavy metals, chemicals, and microbes out of the body.

In todays day and age, we have lots of man-made chemicals and metals coming into the body from the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, the food that we eat, medical injections, and so on. Doing a cleanse with Supercharged C60 can help drain your body of all this stuff.

Many say that aging has to do with toxicity. This study below shows how mice practically doubled their life span when fed C60!

At the clinical study longevity report at the link  here, done by a French research team on C60 with rats. The results of the research and the testing demonstrated that there was no toxicity from C60, and the biggest surprise that they discovered was that the test rats enjoyed an average life extension of 92%. 92% is a crazy amount of extra life!

Supercharged C60 has the bonding capability of several million carbon atoms on each molecule itself, and is 10-20x's more effective than the regular C60. Being able to use this Supercharged C60, is just incredible at protecting us against many of the things that contribute to an unhealthy and aging body.

I know of many people that use charcoal in order to help detoxify their bodies, but this is a million times more powerful than activated charcoal. In fact, activated charcoal actually has a tiny amount of C60 within it. As I shared earlier, it also has extreme antioxidant potential. C60 has been reported to be 272 times more effective than vitamin c as an antioxidant, and the supercharged C60 that we are selling has been shown to be 10-20 times more effective than that.

This product is so profound that it can literally be used as a detoxification program within itself. Many times we are trying to figure out what is wrong with us in terms of illness. Whether we are overrun with microbes, heavy metals, mold, fungus, viruses, bacteria; Supercharged C60 has the potential to help with all of these things.

If you feel like getting rid of some toxic garbage out of your system, we have this rare deal on Supercharged C60 for $149.95 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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