Euglena, Algae that Firms Skin At Cost

Published: Tue, 04/16/24

Hey Everyone!

We just got a fresh batch of Euglena in last week, and we are offering it ‘At-Cost’. We don’t offer this one on special too often. It’s almost been a year since the last time.

If you guys remember, Euglena is an Algae that is loaded with bioactive polysaccharide Beta-glucans, which is the same component in mushrooms that is responsible for boosting the immune system. Normally, we would have to turn to mushrooms in order to get Beta-glucans, such as Reishi or Chaga. However, with the discovery of this new Algae called Euglena, we can now get the highest amount of Beta-glucans ever seen in any single food.

In fact, our Euglena is cultivated using a proprietary fermentation technology, which brings out the Beta-glucans. This makes the Beta-glucan content greater than 55%! This means that when you take our Euglena, at least 55% of that powder that you ingest, is literally Beta-glucans. This is unheard of.

Generally, mushrooms don’t even come close to this in Beta-glucan content. In the clinical study  here, they tested 13 different encapsulated mushroom products to see what the percentage of Beta-glucans were in each. As you will see, they tested four different Reishi products, and their Beta-glucan contents were 4.3%, 7.3%, 22%, and the best one was 45.1%. If you look at all of the other mushrooms including Cordyceps, they were all 10.9% beta-glucan content or less. Then there was one other mushroom that I have never heard of before, which was best one, A. Niger mycelium at 50.9%.

Why would the Beta-glucan content vary so much in four different reishi products?

Well first, you have to make sure that you are getting a really good quality mushroom or Reishi product. Does it have fillers, how was it processed, how was it grown and harvested? For example, Did they harvest the mushrooms at the ideal time, because the highest levels of Beta-glucans in mushrooms are immediately found before the spores begin to mature.

The clinical studies show that you will never find a mushroom product that even comes close to the Beta-gulcan content of our Euglena. Our Euglena is guaranteed to contain over a 55% Beta-glucan content. We literally just take the bulk Euglena ingredient, and throw it in a jar with zero other ingredients (fillers). The majority of other companies don’t do this with their products.

On top of that, studies show a digestive absorption rate on Euglena at 93.1%! That digestive absorption rate is absolutely insane, and that is why so many people are getting such good results with the Euglena as you will soon see. Euglena is an extremely bioavailable nutritious algae that has 59 types of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and unsaturated fatty acids. It is the only species of micro-algae, whose cells have a cell membrane instead of a cell wall, and that is probably one of the reasons why it has such a high absorption rate.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of using Mushrooms in order to get these polysaccharide Beta-glucans. However, we’ve found something that I feel is miraculously more effective, within the Algae Species realm.

The craziest mind-blowing clinical study, seems to be what it does for our Skins immunity, which I have never even heard of happening with a mushroom. In fact, in Japan, they have made an entire industry of Euglena Beauty Skin Products due to this.

At the clinical study here, Euglena was added to skin fibroblasts through immune support pathways. When the euglena activated the immune cells, it was responsible for significantly increasing the gene expression of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is one of the moisturizing ingredients necessary for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity. These results indicate that Euglena extract may boost immunity and, through it, maintain good skin firmness and elasticity.

They are suggesting in this clinical study that the Euglena has the potential to improve the skins firmness, tightness, and elasticity, through the activation and the production of Hyaluronic Acid.

That is insane! It's all done through our skins immune system pathways.

If you remember, we had a testimonial from a woman with Red Head Skin, who talked about the miraculous impact Euglena had on her sensitive skin when she took it internally. Here is that testimonial below:

The Euglena is nothing short of a miracle for me. 
I bruise very easily. The gentlest touch causes me to have purple bruising and torn skin on my hands, arms and legs. I have redhead skin and the older I get the thinner my skin has become. I have had sores that don’t heal as a result.  
The Euglena has Stopped the bruising completely. The Euglena is healing the wounds on my hands, arms and legs. The Euglena is making my skin thicker like it used to be long ago. The Euglena has improved my circulation as well. I’m not so cold this winter as I have been before. This is Huge! for me.
So Please please let me know when you get another shipment in. I can’t be without it Ever!
It’s improving the quality of my life everyday I take it. So Grateful. Lastly, it gives me instant energy that endures for hours, I’m not craving sweets any more, and it calms my nerves and helps me hold focus on any task I’m doing.  My dogs like it too.
Happy New Year to you and all at Team “Raw Food”. Blessings to all.”

Also, in another testimonials, a person said it suppressed their appetite, similar to how the woman with the red head skin said she doesn’t crave sweets anymore.

Talk about Euglena being an awesome beauty algae!

Euglena doesn’t only boost your skin immunity, but obviously your entire immune system extremely well.

In the clinical study here, a fermented Euglena, containing greater than 50% Beta-Glucans, just like ours was used. The endurance-trained participants reported fewer sick days, fewer upper respiratory tract infections, fewer symptom days, fewer episodes, and lower global severity measured as area under curve for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection symptoms per person compared to placebo. At the same time, other studies have found it helps to lower inflammation in the lungs of influenza virus-infected subjects; coupled with its ability to lower virus load.

Many other clinical studies show immunity markers spike in charts when taking the Euglena, activating immune signaling pathways.

Furthermore, Euglena builds a strong fortress in our gut. 70% - 80% of our immune cells are found in the gut, and a lot of the immune cells are localized at areas in the small intestine known as the Peyer's Patches. Peyer's Patches house a variety of immune cells, including macrophages, dendritic cells, T cells, and B cells. Robust and vigilant Peyer's Patches defend us against viral and bacterial infections. In March 2020, Prof Adachi of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, found that Euglena  enhanced the Peyer's Patches and increased the activities of the immune cells in our intestine. Peyer's Patches decline rapidly with age so this finding offers a valuable insight into how we can maintain a youthful and robust immunity.

There are so many more clinical studies in regards to cancer, diabetes, extension of healthy life expectancy, improvements on brain functions and mental outlook, relieving symptoms from Rheumatoid Arthritis, enhancing agility and reflex movements, having a reduction in inflammation, increased transit time, and so much more.

With this fermentation process of the Euglena, the color of the algae has an orange/yellowish color, and to me it almost tastes like a nutritional yeast cheese. The chlorophyll content is much lower compared to other algaes, but the purpose for taking Euglena is for the profound high level of absorbable bioactive Beta-Glucans. Chlorella and Spirulina, for example, don't even contain Beta-Glucans. Euglena is much easier for me to digest compared to any other algae, I love the taste, and it is now my favorite algae. It's so easy on the system, and you can literally put it on salads, an avocado, in juices and smoothies, or take it straight in a spoon like me.

With GRAS status from the FDA (Generally Recognized As Safe), Our Euglena is normally $49.95 each. We have them 'At-Cost' today for $31.47, when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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