Methylene Blue At Cost

Published: Thu, 04/18/24

Hey Everyone!

Today we’ve got our Methylene Blue on the ‘At-Cost’ specials list for only $23.95 each when you get a 3-pack!

It is pretty fascinating what Methylene Blue does within the human body. You know how I am always saying that enzymes kind of cheat the process within our body? You see, enzymes make all sorts of positive chemical reactions happen, which would not have happened if you didn’t take them. Well, Methylene Blue also cheats the process in a similar way, and also makes positive reactions happen that would not have happened if you didn’t take it.

However, the Methylene Blue does it from a completely different angle than enzymes. The Methylene Blue cheats the process by working with the electrons of our Mitochondria, and I have never seen anything ever do that before. I’ll explain the details of this “electron shuffling” process that goes on in just a moment.

Methylene Blue has actually been around for a very long time. It was discovered I believe around 1876, and it was the first fully synthetic drug in medicine. It was used as one of the first antibiotics, and also used as one of the first antipsychotic drugs. In 1891 it was used for malaria. In fact, nowadays even the emergency room doctors have it ready if someone has either cyanide poisoning, or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Methylene Blue is good for Septic shock, especially if a persons blood pressure has dropped significantly. It can help with Anaphylaxis, which is an anaphylactic shock, a very severe allergy reaction. It has very potent antiviral properties. I’ve heard people say that it may have the potential to help with Covid because of this, but I can’t make that claim. It’s good for Brain Fog and Memory Loss. It has been studied to help people with depression, and it also has Anti-Candida properties as well.

It is also really effective in tissues that demand high amounts of oxygen. Neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimers, Dementia, and Parkinsons would fall under this category. It’s even good for things like Gout, because it can help break down Uric Acid. In low doses it acts as an antioxidant, as well as an anti-inflammatory. Pretty much anything that involves mitochondria dysfunction can benefit from taking methylene blue.

So how does Methylene Blue aid this electron/mitocondria process within our cells?

Methylene Blue acts as an artificial electron recycler. Let’s envision that you have a battery, and batteries are filled with these electrons that are stored. You need these electrons in order to generate energy. You also have electrons going on in your body as well within the mitochondria. In fact, your body converts food into electrons stored in the ATP molecule for energy. In our mitochondria’s, we have a lot of electron transfer exchange going on. Methylene Blue, apparently has the ability to remove or add electrons depending on what part of the body needs them or it doesn’t need them.

So, it seems to help this shuffling around of electrons, which medically has this term called redox cycling.

This is one of the reasons why Methylene Blue can give someone with fatigue more energy.

Now since we are talking about the mitochondria, which is the heart of our metabolism in the conversion from food into energy, oxygen is also involved. Therefore, Methylene Blue helps the mitochondria absorb and transport oxygen. It actually improves the way the body uses oxygen. Therefore, you can imagine all of the different problems that it could potentially help someone with.

Now there are some contraindications. For example, if someone is taking SSRI, which is for depression for example, you wouldn’t want to take this, because of the potential side effect of increasing too much serotonin. Before taking something like this, check with your doctor just to make sure that there are no contraindications with what you are doing, and I suggest to also do your own research on what other contraindications there are.

Another thing to know is that it will temporarily turn your teeth and tongue blue, lol, if you take it directly into your mouth. if you brush your teeth it will immediately go away on your teeth. Otherwise, it will last a few hours. It may also give your urine a very slight blue tint. You can find ways to avoid that such as putting it into a shot glass of water and shooting it down bypassing your teeth and tongue.

This is the type of product where we can’t recommend dosages or put dosages on our website. You have to do your own research, but on Youtube I have heard many alternative natural doctors recommending to take a USP Pharmaceutical grade at 1% solution, which will give you .5mg per drop, which is exactly what we have available for you today. 1 drop of this Methylene Blue, will offer you .5mg.

To help you a little bit more, these alternative natural doctors generally state to take the dose of .5mg’s per kilogram weight, which is the low dose option. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, that’s roughly around 55 kilograms. After doing the math, you would need per day, on the low dose end of about 55 drops if you weighed 120 pounds. So at this weight they would generally recommend that you would take 14 drops in water, four times a day for example.

Some of the studies also use this dosage. You’ll have to do the math on your own based on your own weight. Our customer service can’t give a dosage recommendation. Watch some Youtube videos, and you will see that this recommendation above seems to be the overall consensus amongst natural doctors.

Anyhow, I believe that Methylene Blue could potentially help a lot of people with certain problems related to this oxygen and electron transfer issue inside the mitochondria, and it may also be good to have on hand in your medicine chest in case of an emergency.

Today, we’ve got the Methylene Blue on special through the end of the month at $23.95 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

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