Major Cacao Price Increase

Published: Tue, 04/23/24

Hey Everyone!

I was just alerted that the pricing of Fair Trade Organic Cacao has exploded.

If you follow the commodity market, the cost of cacao per ton has now surpassed copper.

When my supplier announced the price increase, I then asked people around the industry if they were experiencing the same thing. I wrote Coracao Confections, and he wrote me back saying, "Hi Matt, Pricing has been crazy for cacao, I have never experienced shortages affecting FTO (Fair Trade Organic) in this way before." The Rawmio guys confirmed this too.

The world is facing the biggest deficit of cocoa in decades. The cause of this price increase is due to poor climate and crop diseases in West Africa, who are responsible for 70% of global cacao production. Both rain and drought have been more severe than usual in West Africa. Swamped fields have worsened the spread of diseases like black pod disease and swollen-shoot virus, which are rotting pods and killing trees, and the tree stock is also aging.

Suppliers are hoping that the Cacao pricing will normalize sometime in 2025.

The two Cacao ingredients that are sky rocketing the most are Cacao Nibs and Cacao Butter, doubling in price. The good news is that Cacao Powder is only having a 20% increase, due to cacao powder just being a by-product of the butter.

These prices are now just starting to filter down into the retail sector, and you will start to see them soon if you haven't already; especially on the cacao nibs and cacao butter.

I was able to stock up one more time at the old pricing, before this new cacao pricing structure goes into effect. This is probably the last time that I'll be able to offer such an incredible deal on Fair-Trade Organic Cacao ingredients.

Just to give you an idea, my new wholesale pricing on the Cacao Nibs and Cacao Butter are now more than what I am offering them to you today at retail.

In fact, my supplier just texted me that pricing is nuts and that Cacao Butter may now go over $20/lb wholesale. It's crazy, and I have no idea where the balance points will be.

Anyhow, today we have both of our Cacao Powders (10% and 20% fat) 'At-Cost' for you today at only $9.95 each when you get a 3-pack. We also have our Cacao Nibs at only $9.95 each when you get a 3-pack (Stock up on these guys!). Lastly, our Cacao Paste and our Cacao Butter are only $12.50 and $13.95 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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Tucker GA 30084

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