These Specials End in 2 Days

Published: Sun, 04/28/24

Updated: Sat, 05/04/24

Hey Everyone!

We've got some incredible specials ending in just 2 days from now on April 30th at midnight. They include all of our April 'At-Cost' Specials, and all of the specials extended from March.

Here is a detailed list of all of these specials below:
NEW Vitamin D3 + K2
B12 Probiotic
Sunbiotic Probiotic Tablets
Sleep Deep (Sleeping herbs)
Sea buckthorn Berry Powder
Supercharged C60
Calcium L-Threonate
Methylene Blue
Cacao Powder
Cacao Nibs
Cacao Butter
Cacao Paste

From last month, we extended:
Macadamia Nuts
MCT Oil Powder
Coconut Blossom Sugar
All the Easter Chocolate (Blowout)
Ojai Sun-Dried Persimmons

All of these specials end on April 30th at midnight.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Of course, I can't just forget about summarizing all of April’s 'At-Cost' specials for you guys below.

Our new Vitamin D3 + K2 supplement contains a revolutionary water soluble Vitamin E component, which acts as a carrier driving nutrients into your system. The medical industry utilizes this same Vitamin E in order to carry drugs into the body tissues, and cells. For the first time ever, we are simply utilizing it to carry actual nutrients into your body tissues, and cells.

It was just recent when they made a Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan version of this Vitamin E component from Sunflower. This is why we are coming in and swooping it up. We can now offer it to our customers and we can label it as Certified Organic, non-GMO, and free of soy, gluten, and animal products. It is still chemically and functionally identical to the FG (food grade) and NF grades of Vitamin E used in the medical industry.

On top of all this, we Nanotize the Vitamin E together with the nutrients that we wish to deliver into the system. This skyrockets the absorption capabilities exponentially. I shared with you the experiment that I personally did with our CBD Oil 7000mg, where I nanotized it together with the Vitamin E. What normally takes 3 - 4 hours to kick in, took only 10 seconds. Furthermore, the amount of CBD that got absorbed seemed to be 10-fold to me. What we have brought to the table here, will change the coarse of supplement making forever. As usual, it’s just a matter of time until others catch on to this.

Next we have our Postbiotics on special, which is literally like Sauerkraut on steroids. The way it works is that Probiotics, feed off of Prebiotics. Once they do that, the Probiotics produce Postbiotics, which is what really does all of the beneficial things in the human body. When the sauerkraut ferments, it is simply creating an onslaught of Postbiotics. Sauerkraut is so good for you, not because of the Probiotics that it contains, but because it is loaded with a ridiculous amount of Postbiotics. Taking our Postbiotics straight would be equivalent to eating lots and lots of Sauerkraut.

Lastly, in a study Postbiotics were shown to increase the probiotic population exponentially more than prebiotics do. As you can see at the clinical study here, science is now realizing that it’s the Postbiotics that does all of the different beneficial things within the body, and not the prebiotics or probiotics. The prebiotics and probiotics simply create the Postbiotics, which is where the true benefit comes from.

Next we have our B12 Probiotics on special. Taking our B12 probiotics is kind of like getting your B12 from food, which is really cool for vegans. 1/2 teaspoon will give you all of the B12 that you need in a day. When you take our B12 Probiotics, you are simply consuming a living probiotic that is pure B12. This B12 probiotic is called P. freudenreichii, and it has been shown in clinical studies to be the active form of B12, which completely survives the digestive tract in order to be utilized. It's also utilized to fortify food and animal feed with B12.

Additionally, the B12 probiotics are really good for your gut. In fact, many doctors state that you need intestinal flora in order to absorb B12, and this B12 is an intestinal flora. It is so good for your gut that there are over 10 studies showing that these B12 Probiotics help with IBD and colitis.

Lastly, our B12 probiotics have been shown in studies to relieve constipation in young healthy women, protect the intestinal lining, support the absorption of calcium, magnesium and potassium, produce bacteriocins, secrete anti-fungal compounds, secrete anti-viral compounds, synthesize vitamin B8 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin), kill all sorts of pathogenic bacteria including E. Coli, inhibit H. Pylori, and it has the ability to bind to heavy metals like cadmium and lead.

We also have the Sunbiotic Probiotic Tablets 'At-Cost'. Both the B12 Probiotics and the Postbiotics were shown in studies to multiply the strains inside this probiotic ten-fold.

Next on the list, we have our Sleep Deep formulation of two new herbs that when used together have the potential to help a person sleep. The two Chinese Herbs within this formulation are called ‘Bai Zi Ren’ and ‘Yuan Zhi’. If you use Yuan Zhi by itself, it will help you relax. If you use Bai Zi Ren by itself, it helps to slow down your pulse and your heart rate, and helps you recover from stress. When you put the two together, this combination has the potential to just put you right to sleep, and to keep you asleep all throughout the night.

Next, our new Sea Buckthorn Berry Powder is bursting with aliveness, which you can sense when you put it directly into your mouth. It’s one of those crazy medicinal berries with nearly 200 nutritional and bioactive compounds. Now obviously, due to its significant bioactivity, it helps with so many different ailments and is touted as a “source of nutrition and health care”. In my write-up on the Sea Buckthorn Berry Powder, we discovered how it produces an anti-obesity effect through so many different unique pathways among many other benefits.

These other benefits include cardiovascular improvement, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, dermatological, neuroprotective, and hepatoprotective activities. On top of that, it’s been reported as a good treatment of slow digestion, stomach malfunctioning, cardiovascular problems, liver injury, skin diseases, and ulcers. There is no doubt that sea buckthorn has great medicinal and therapeutic potential, due to the fact that sea buckthorn contains several vitamins, carotenoids, polyphenols, fatty acids and other bioactive compounds.

We also have GHC's Supercharged C60 'At-Cost' this month. C60 is known to bind to and remove heavy metals, chemicals, and even living microbes (Fungus, Mold, Viruses, etc.) out of the body extremely well. It’s also a very powerful antioxidant and helps with free radical damage.

The Supercharged C60 is unique as they developed a way to attach many C60 molecules together into a linear fashion. Instead of having just one C60 molecule, imagine 26 layers on top of that. Therefore, each layer that peals off, you are getting millions of atoms of C60 molecules coming into your system, which are available to grab onto, neutralize, and remove heavy metals, chemicals, and microbes out of the body.

Next on the list we have our Calcium L-Threonate on special. It is a patented combination of calcium and a vitamin C compound called ‘Threonic Acid’. This Vitamin C compound (Threonic Acid), when coupled with calcium, allows the calcium to be absorbed way more effectively into the bones.

In studies, Calcium L-Threonate has been shown to inhibit bone resorption (demineralization of the bones), but also has been shown to strengthen bones by encouraging the formation of collagen and cartilage and improving bone density and joint flexibility at the same time.

We also have our Magtein on special extended from last month to go alongside the Calcium L-Threonate. It uses the same L-Threonate component in its formulation, which enables Magnesium to effectively cross the Blood Brain Barrier.

Next we have our Euglena on special, which doesn't happen too often. Euglena is an Algae that is loaded with bioactive polysaccharide Beta-glucans, which is the same component in mushrooms that are responsible for boosting the immune system. However, 55% of this powder consists of Beta-Glucans. Mushrooms don't even come close to this percentage. On top of that, studies show that the digestive absorption rate on Euglena is 93.1%. it digests so easily, because it is an algae whose cells have a cell membrane instead of a cell wall.

Our Euglena boosts the immune system unlike any other algae or Superfood available. What's even more crazy is that it boosts the immunity of our skin in a way that has never been seen before. Studies show that when the euglena activated the immune cells in the skin, it was responsible for significantly increasing the gene expression of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is one of the moisturizing ingredients necessary for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity.

If you remember, we had a testimonial from a woman with Red Head Skin, who talked about the miraculous impact Euglena had on her sensitive skin when she took it internally. Here is that testimonial below:

"The Euglena is nothing short of a miracle for me.
I bruise very easily. The gentlest touch causes me to have purple bruising and torn skin on my hands, arms and legs. I have redhead skin and the older I get the thinner my skin has become. I have had sores that don’t heal as a result.
The Euglena has Stopped the bruising completely. The Euglena is healing the wounds on my hands, arms and legs. The Euglena is making my skin thicker like it used to be long ago. The Euglena has improved my circulation as well. I’m not so cold this winter as I have been before. This is Huge! for me.
So Please please let me know when you get another shipment in. I can’t be without it Ever!
It’s improving the quality of my life everyday I take it. So Grateful. Lastly, it gives me instant energy that endures for hours, I’m not craving sweets any more, and it calms my nerves and helps me hold focus on any task I’m doing. My dogs like it too.
Happy New Year to you and all at Team “Raw Food”. Blessings to all.”

Alongside the Euglena, we have our Phycocyanin 'At-Cost', which is another very powerful Algae. Phycocyanin is like taking Spirulina to the next level. We are literally extracting the main active constituents of Spirulina, which are all inside of the Phycocyanin, and we put it into this bright blue powder. Not only is it one of the most powerful Superfoods in the world, but it is super fun to work with, because it makes our drinks and food creations bright blue!

Talking about blue, we also have GHC's Methylene Blue 'At-Cost'. In our mitochondria’s, we have a lot of electron transfer exchange going on. Methylene Blue, apparently has the ability to remove or add electrons depending on what part of the body needs them or doesn’t need them. Through this process Methylene Blue helps the mitochondria absorb and transport oxygen. It actually improves the way the body uses oxygen. Therefore, you can imagine all of the different problems that it could potentially help someone with.

Lastly, we have all of our Cacao Ingredients on special, including our Cacao Powder (10% & 20%), Cacao Nibs, Cacao Butter, and Cacao Paste. There is a major cacao shortage going on, and pricing has just skyrocketed. The cause of this price increase is due to poor climate and crop diseases in West Africa, who are responsible for 70% of global cacao production. You know me, I'm offering all of these ingredients dirt cheap while I can for you guys, because the pricing is about to jump. The Cacao Nibs and Butter are the most heavily affected by this price increase.

Don't forget, I've also extended the following specials from last month:
Macadamia Nuts
MCT Oil Powder
Coconut Blossom Sugar
All the Easter Chocolate (Blowout)
Ojai Sun-Dried Persimmons

All of these specials are available until April 30th at midnight.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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Tucker GA 30084

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