Current Health Update

Published: Fri, 07/05/24

Updated: Fri, 07/05/24

Hey Everyone!

Quick note: I just wrote this tonight, and you will get it in the morning. It’s not edited so exquisitely like all my other Newsletters normally are.
Quick note number 2: I will not be taking any unsolicited advice and it will be deleted. As you will see below, I have zero time to read them.

Here is my health update!

I have moved into my own place a couple of doors down from the girls.

This has provided me much needed space and Spiritual Freedom.

I was waiting for this moment for a month, and I can’t tell you how good it has been for me.

To be honest with you, one of the reasons why I did that coupon last month, was to make my life easy in order to get through this move.

Now I am back at it, and working non-stop. You are going to see way more Newsletters from me, such as health updates. I also have a really cool dental health update for you that I think will be very helpful for everyone here. I have so much work to do, it’s absolutely crazy. This is the best time ever to be on my Newsletter list, as I am back.

I also have some new mind-blowing products coming. I know it’s been awhile for one of those, but this one is going to be Brain Explosive Insane!

In terms of a health update, I am suffering pretty hardcore as I work endlessly on the computer.

I have to remember to keep exercising in order to keep my body from deteriorating. It makes me want to cry, because it’s hard for me to exercise due to getting out of breath. I am so good at my work though, and I am really enjoying myself once again working all day.

I have been learning more and more about how to handle this ‘out of breath’ situation as time goes on and as I wait for the meds. I’m learning that sometimes the ‘out of breath’ feeling is because I am dehydrated. I have never experienced dehydration like this before ever since the surgery. I have to try to plan perfectly in order to try to get a walk in. I have to drink lots of water with salt, or I’ll be out of breath. I have to remember to do that frequently.

Sometimes just drinking a carrot juice right after my first meal has fully digested enables me to walk around the block for 20 minutes. However, I deteriorated quite a bit over the last weeks due to what is going on with me. Doing this walk is not fun for me and not easy for me like it always has been. It’s like I have to suffer pretty badly in order to take a 20 minute walk. If I get through that 20 minute walk, it is a major celebration to me. I just did it two days ago, and my body and muscles have to repair so I can do it again.

I need to go back on these meds, which I will give an update to you in just a moment.

Other times I am out of breath is because I haven’t had enough sodium or Iron. However, I have learned to take many pinches of Celtic Sea Salt with all my drinks. I also use the Quintessential in my 32oz of water. 1 packet in 32oz of water. I am telling you right now, the Quintessential that we have on our website has been a life saver for me.

I take 32oz of distilled water to 1 quintessential packet, and I take many pinches of Celtic sea salt as I drink it throughout the day and night.

Furthermore, I have told you before that I have crazy night sweats at night. Three times a night I have to switch out one of my 3 blankets for another because it is soaked. Furthermore, I put a towel underneath me, and I have to change that towel three times a night too, along with my underwear and and shirt. I am praying that this hired help works out so I can get these blankets and sheets washed on occasion..

Other times I am out of breath, is because I am digesting food. This has always been a problem for me since going back to cooked foods. Sometimes after a meal of eggs, and a couple of other things, I am comatose for hours on end. However, I need to learn to take my diet back into my own hands and do it in a way where I feel the best. As you will see below, I have found a miracle discovery to where I think I can do this easily.

I have found that if I eat less, I am not as comatose as usual after I eat a meal, and I can function way better and do those walks. However, it’s scary to eat less, because my doctors have been making me fearful that my protein, and nutrition levels have been suffering.

However, a miracle discovery happened for me to where I found a very easy way to get incredible amounts of protein, and I absolutely love it. I have Raw Milk and Raw Greek Yogurt delivered to me every Friday. Oh my gosh, I could just guzzle the milk down as if I am going out of business. Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp. The amount of protein raw healthy protein that I get from the Raw Milk is absolutely incredible.

When I first found some hired help to help me make carrot juice and do the laundry. They didn’t take much care when washing the carrots and a rancid carrot made it into the juice. I didn’t realize why I was sick for two days, until when the same thing happened a few days later. The carrot juice was absolutely rancid and putrid. I must have drank 32oz of that stuff. I got pain in my colon again from it, but I’m doing much better now.

I hopefully have someone else more caring now to help me with things so I can function more in life. All I have to say is that Jesus has provided this incredible situation for me, so I can get back on the saddle and get back to working for you guys.

So, when I got sick from the rancid carrot juice, I had no idea the reason why. I slept all day and only ate one time. That evening, I drank a bunch of Raw Milk for dinner alone and nothing else. Normally when I have Raw Milk for dinner with other foods, my sleep is messed up with gas all night long and I have a very uncomfortable nights sleep. However, when I made my second meal only Raw Milk with nothing else for dinner, I had the best night sleep ever.

Furthermore, it provides me a bunch of raw protein and raw calcium, taking my fears away of not getting enough protein as seen in all of my blood tests. This enables me to eat less and feel better. It’s a miracle. This is all new to me, and I haven’t experimented much with it yet.

I haven’t been blood tested since drinking the Raw Milk, but I need to get back on meds before I do that. The last thing I need to do right now is get thrown back into anemia from draining 10 vials of my blood for blood tests.

When I ate less that day, and drank only Raw Milk for dinner, I was zooming around. That may have been the day that I did my walk. I may experiment with drinking only Raw Milk at night on occasion and see what happens. I’m still going to have a big morning/afternoon meal. The day that I only drank the Raw Milk, I was starving for food the next day. I ate five egg yolks cooked with Swiss cheese, Raw Milk, Raw Greek Yogurt mixed with organic Blueberries etc.

Normally, when I do something like that, I am comatose. However, this time, I wasn’t. You see where I am going with this? Eating less, but drinking way more Raw Milk like this. Still do a big meal every day, but on occasion only do a crazy amount of Raw Milk for my second meal. If I were to drink 32oz of Raw Milk, I would get 32 grams of protein. I also do a certain amount with my first meal. The protein just adds up like crazy and it’s super absorbable. I am going to be experimenting with this Raw Milk Miracle that I have found.

I want to cry about how long I’ve waited to get back on the meds. Since my last health update, I have had 3 iron infusions. This seems to have helped with the Iron factor in terms of one of the many reasons why I may be out of breath. However, I never know how long the iron stores will last. I have been told that I have ‘Anemia of Chronic Disease’, to where I won’t transport iron correctly. The solution all the doctors say is that I need to get back on the Humira.

So I got all the blood tests the Mayo Clinic needed in order to put me back on Humira. It took two weeks of suffering and waiting.

The blood results finally came through to put me back on Humira, but one of the tests was faulty. I had to wait two weeks for that! I just went back this week, and gave more blood to redo that one test. There were originally 6 or 7 blood tests in total. I now have to wait again for the results of this one blood test to come in, before they will be willing to put me back on Humira. Some of the tests only took 5 days, while others took two weeks. I hope this is one of the quick waits.

So here I am now with a whole entire happy new life. You have no idea how happy I am. Now I just live my life daily, trying to muster up the energy to walk for 20 minutes (where I suffer like crazy, because it’s not easy walking for me right now). Once I get back on the meds, I do believe that walking will be easy and fun once again. However, I also do think this Raw Milk plan, and remembering to hydrate myself all day long, may enable me to get back on the walking bandwagon.

I also just work all day long. I start at a desk for an hour or two so I am upright, but then at some point I am just done for it. I then end up on the couch for the rest of the day. My children do come over daily in order to give me a really nice break.

Once I get out of this mess, I will share with you my plans in order to get myself back into shape. Maybe I can do it now while experimenting with my new Raw Milk plan. I think I can! I had the energy at one point to get my desired daily exercise quota, but I got slammed spiritually and physically. I was just struggling to stay alive.

I’m doing much better than that now, and I do believe that with this new fire that I have under me, I will get my daily 20 minute walk in soon. For example, today, I just had to work non-stop in order to make some really cool things happen here at The Raw Food World. I’ll be working like this everyday. However, as I work non-stop, it will provide me space to get my life back. As I’ve been going through all of this, so many things that I want to share with you has built up in my head. I will work non-stop until I get it all out. Once I accomplish this task, is when I will get more space back in my life.

When I had it and was doing really good recently with my exercising, I discovered a way to do things that I never thought I would ever be able to do again. For example, running. It is impossible for me to run. However, I found a way to duplicate the process. I couldn’t believe how much I was huffing and puffing as if I was sprinting when I was doing this technique. My joints won’t let me run, but this lets me get a whole body workout. I feel it in my entire body. I was doing my 20-40 minute walk while, also doing this ‘running’ method later in the day. I was so excited but I just fell back hard this last month.

I’ll get back there soon, and I truly believe that I can even do it before I get put back on Humira. However, recovering a deteriorated body takes time. However, I am on it. In my head, I have entire Newsletter about my plans to fix my decrepit body. I am hoping to do the Newsletter after I have already fixed it.

As you can see, I am super excited. I have to keep dehydrated, experiment with this Raw Milk thing, do exercise, and recover this decrepit body of mine. I am on fire here, and I think we are all going to see some miracles here. I’m going to try to do my 20 minute walk tomorrow, if it’s the last thing I do. Keep in mind that I came from a 23 year Raw Vegan Diet. I needed to eat less because of this, but I couldn’t get the needed protein and nutrition. However, I think with the Raw Milk, I may just be able to do this.

Get ready, there are going to be many more Newsletters.

Thank you all so much for your support. I could not do it without you.

I love you!


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Tucker GA 30084

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