Exciting Events of the Week...

Published: Wed, 10/18/23

​​​​​​ Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church
A Western-Rite Parish of the Antiochian
Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
1325 E. Queen Ave. * Spokane, WA 99207 * (509) 866-6074


(Remote Access Available)
Welcome Back Fr. Fenton
(Joining us remotely through the Teams Platform)

Attend Online or at St. Nicholas Church!
Explore various Orthodox and Western Rite traditions, doctrines, and history to deepen your understanding and enrich your daily life in the Church. We would be honored if you could join us for this enriching experience in person or now, remotely.
Physical Attendance:
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church
1325 E Queen Ave. Spokane WA 99207
Remote Attendance: Access Teams Platform
Tonight, Wednesday, 
October 18, 2023, at 6 PM 

Together, we will survey the invaluable
insights and wisdom presented in the book,
"With What Zeal" by Fr. Fenton, Parish Priest
of St. Michal, Whittier, CA

(Book available for purchase at St. Nicholas Church)
Who Can Attend:

This group is open to all members of our
Parish as well as any guests who may be
interested in joining us on this journey of
learning and growth.

Light refreshments will be available during our gatherings. Additionally, if you have a specialty snack you'd like to share with the group, please, don't hesitate to bring it along!

We genuinely believe that "Wednesday Wisdom" is an opportunity for us to grow in faith and understanding, and we would be honored if you could join us (physically or remotely) for this enriching experience.


Join Us After this Sunday's Services...
St. Nicholas Potluck Announcement


St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church

1325 E Queen Ave
Spokane WA 99207

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