Healers; Raise Your Vibration, Be of Greater Service, and Enjoy More Money

Published: Sun, 10/28/12

Calling all Healers
Raise your vibration, enjoy more money, be of greater service and have more joy in your life.
Dear , I am very excited to share a SPECIAL EVENT for HEALERS from my friend and colleague, Dan Hanneman "The BlockBuster".

Dan has assembled 24 Invincible Healers and Teachers (including ME) to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION to TRANSFORM YOURSELF to GROW YOUR HEALING BUSINESS!!! 

This is a PIVOTAL TIME during this planet's shift to empower healers to ASCEND in their vibration and CLAIM THEIR DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT TO SERVE AS HEALERS. 

Register today for Free

Here are a few of the EXCITING THINGS that you will EXPERIENCE during this UNIQUE TELESUMMIT FOR HEALERS:

Healing, Channeling, and Powerful Shifts from each speaker that vibrate out through EVERY AREA of your life to help you in GROWING YOUR HEALING BUSINESS

•  Cutting Edge Tools to CLEAR YOUR OWN ENERGY to be a GREATER VESSEL of love, service, joy, and money success

Transformational healing stories from each speaker that will INSPIRE you to move from INVISIBLE to INVINCIBLE as a healer.

     And MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE including a SPECIAL EVENT for Ascending Your Vibration on 12/21/2012!!!  

Please be sure to join me and all the 24 Invincible Speakers that will be there to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION and GROWING YOUR HEALING BUSINESS!!!

Dan has assembled 24 Invincible Healers and Teachers (including ME) to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION to TRANSFORM YOURSELF to GROW YOUR HEALING BUSINESS!!! 

Register today for Free

This is a PIVOTAL TIME during this planet's shift to empower healers to ASCEND in their vibration and CLAIM THEIR DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT TO SERVE AS HEALERS.  

Here are a few of the EXCITING THINGS that you will EXPERIENCE during this UNIQUE TELESUMMIT FOR HEALERS:

Healing, Channeling, and Powerful Shifts from each speaker that vibrate out through EVERY AREA of your life to help you in GROWING YOUR HEALING BUSINESS

•  Cutting Edge Tools to CLEAR YOUR OWN ENERGY to be a GREATER VESSEL of love, service, joy, and money success

Transformational healing stories from each speaker that will INSPIRE you to move from INVISIBLE to INVINCIBLE as a healer

·       And MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE including a SPECIAL EVENT for Ascending Your Vibration on 12/21/2012!!! 

Please be sure to join me and all the 24 Invincible Speakers that will be there to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION and GROWING YOUR HEALING BUSINESS!!!


  The Audio download from Raising the Bar; Building Authentic Business Relationships are now available for purchase. Over 10 hours of quality content.  On sale this week Only $49.
Please   Visit our Store.

Everyone in the Finding Your Authentic Business Brand Workshop are being gifted with unbelievable visions and information about their unique business brand. This week we transform the vision into form with Graphic Designer Arlette Capel from ABC Design. 


An  Interest group is now forming for a weekend of Finding Your Authentic Brand in Palm Springs for March 2013. 
Email [email protected] if interested. 

People are sharing their experience in our BAR  group page on FB. Please join .

Tom Kulzer
Renee Baribeau
The Practical Shaman