Chicken Fortress

Published: Fri, 09/04/15

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  1. Chicken Fortress - 2015-08-31 13:49:22-04
    In the middle of building this coop as I type this. I have made several changes to this plan and I'm just using the basic design. I have a large stack
  2. Chicken Fortress part 2 - 2015-08-31 18:16:50-04
    I am sending some additional pictures of my progress with building the Chicken Fortress. I call it a Chicken Fortress because the majority if the wood
  3. Hand Hewn Historic barn northern New York - 2015-09-03 20:34:52-04
    I have a historic barn in northern New York just south of Syracuse we are wanting to sell to the highest bidder it's got hand hewn beams 9x9. very nice