This Ancient Barn Builders Secret is so Simple!

Published: Mon, 03/27/17


You can Learn the Ancient Hidden Secret that Builders used for Thousands of years, without needing an engineer or Architect...

This one Ancient secret Instantly simplifies the barn building process, and destroys the need to hire expensive Architects, or Engineers.

For thousands of years average farmers have used this secret ancient building technique to create Long lasting and stable buildings with ease.

The answer is so simple that even someone who has never built a thing in their life can understand how this works!

It's so simple you could say it may even be instinctual... It's almost like it was implanted into our DNA Even toddlers playing with wooden blocks quickly understand this without even being shown what to do!

When I show you how easy this is, you are going to laugh, because you don't believe, it could be this easy, but I'm telling you, It really is!

What could this ancient secret possibly be you ask?

Drum roll please....

Are you Ready??

It's Post and Beam.

Yup, it's that simple, just two posts and a beam that spans the distance between them. This super simple concept is all you need to understand to have a good basic understanding of how a timber framed barn system works.

Ancient people such as the builders of Stonehenge understood this. Vikings and the ancient timber framers from northern Europe built all of their homes and Barns this way.

Why do you think that is?

It's because it's so simple! No need to figure complicated math and engineering because this system is designed to rely on the strength of the timbers to carry the weight of the building.

You can learn how to make this ancient secret work for your barn project and get an entire library of barn plans that apply these ancient principles to make beautiful Post and Beam Barns.  

Join the Barn Plans Library Today, and start building the barn of your dreams!  

Thank You
The Barn Geek Crew