It's so windy, one of our hens laid the same egg 3 times!

Published: Wed, 03/08/17


Man, is it ever windy in Michigan today!  How windy is it you ask? 

It's so windy, one of our hens laid the same egg 3 times!!  :-)

Why didn't that silly hen go nest in the Chicken Coop, or the barn?  Who knows why chickens pick some of the strangest places they pick to lay their eggs..  

If you have Chickens you know what I am talking about, don't you?  

Give them a little bit of freedom and suddenly you start finding caches of eggs in some very odd places.  

Under the front porch...

In the middle of that patch of weeds you meant to get to in the garden..

On top of the tool box in the tool shed!  

Seriously, that was one of our bantam hens favorite spots to lay!

So what is a Homesteader to do?  

Well, I would like to tell you all you have to do is build a good chicken coop or barn and your chickens will lay exactly in the nest you want them to... but if you know chickens, you know that they have a mind of their own.  

Just like you can lead a horse to water, you can't make them drink, you can give a chicken a great nesting box, but you can't make them lay there.  

All you can do is provide the most comfortable and attractive nest that you can, and try to convince your hens that this is the best spot to lay.  

Will they lay there?  Yeah, probably... Most of the time.  

But, if you want to provide the best place for them to lay in the most convenient place for you, then you have to provide that place for them.  

If you don't, then you can be assured that they will find the worst most hard to reach or find  places for you to get to.  

So increase your odds of finding your eggs while they are still fresh! Build a great Chicken coop or barn, so that you don't have to hunt for eggs so much.  

Yeah, there still may be that one hen that lays her eggs in some crazy spot, but most of your hens will like the nest you build for them. 

The first step in building any great chicken coop or barn is to start with a great plan.  

A wise man once said, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

We have planned everything out for you, all you have to do is get access to our chicken coop library today!   
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Following these Chicken Coop Plans makes building a Chicken Coop so much easier! There is no guess work involved, every step has been thought out and designed to make it easy for you, and even easier on your pocket book.  

What used to require the knowledge of skilled craftsman, can now be done by the average do it yourselfer.  

Wouldn't it be great if you could build a great Chicken Coop with some simple tools and basic know how?
 These Chicken Coops are designed to incorporate simple joinery using screws and some simple techniques.

If you can cut small boards with a hand saw, drive screws with a power screwdriver, and swing a hammer then you can build your own Chicken Coop with these plans.
Here is what you get in the 
Chicken Coop Plans Library...

Video Tutorials ....
I have uploaded some video guides to the membership area, that will help you learn certain techniques and secret tricks that will help save you time, frustration, and most importantly money, while you are building your new chicken coop.  
The Plans ....
4 complete sets of Chicken Coop plans that you can print as many times as you need. There is enough information on the plans for you to build your Chicken Coop from scratch. You will know exactly what size lumber you need, where to make your cuts.  

Materials Lists...
Each Chicken Coop Plan includes a detailed materials list so that you will know exactly what materials you need to build that chicken coop.  

What are you waiting for?
Get started building your own Chicken Coop Today! 
Thank You
Aaron Esch
The Barn Geek