How to find a contractor to build your barn

Published: Mon, 05/08/17


Finding a contractor to build your barn can be quite a challenge these days.  It seems as if there is a major shortage of good builders who can build with skill and craftsmanship.  Fortunately our barn designs are easy to build for any contractor.  

Most contractors don't know timber framing, but with our designs, the skills they already have can translate very easily into timber framing BarnGeek style.  So that makes finding a contractor to build your barn much easier than finding a builder to build a traditional mortise and tenon timberframe.

But even then, contractors are not easy to find, they don't advertise on the internet that much and most of their business is from word of mouth.  So how do you find a good contractor?  

I put together a short video explaining a few tricks to find a local builder....

Don't forget to like and subscribe to my youtube channel while you are there. 

Oh and if you are not a member of the BarnGeeks library yet, you can learn more about that here.  

Have a great day!  

Thank You
Aaron Esch
Barn Geek