Join the Barn Movement!

Published: Thu, 06/01/17


What?!  There is a barn movement?  

Yeah, I know it sounds a little weird, I mean who is that passionate about barns, to create a movement, right?

Well, did you see the name of our website?  I think the name Barn Geek says it all don't you?  

How about you? Do you geek out on cool old barns?  Would your dream job involve building new 'old barns'?  

Well, I have great news for you!  You can become a certified Barn Geek Pro!  We get calls and emails from customers all over the world that we can't serve because they are too far away.  They want barns like ours, but there is nobody in their neck of the woods that would build them or even supply the lumber for them to build them on their own... 

But, what if You were able to provide those people with what they really want?  What if you could break out of the rat race and d something you really enjoy?  

I want to personally invite You to apply to become a Barn Geek Pro.  There are a couple of requirements, you will need to accomplish to complete the program, but don't worry we will help you succeed.  

You can learn more about our Barn Geek Pro Opportunity by clicking the link below, but hurry there aren't very many spots left, and we won't be opening this up again until the Pros in training we are working with complete the program.  That could be several months down the road.  

Thanks Again! 
Aaron Esch
Barn Geek