Are Your Early Morning Barn Chores Like This?

Published: Tue, 06/06/17


In the early morning glow before the sun is high, you walk out to your barn drinking that first sip of coffee. You let your skin soak in those first few beams of warmth from the early dawns summer sun.  

The dew is heavy on the grass and you regret not slipping on your rubber boots before you headed out to do the morning chores.  

The heavy dew has caused the bottom of your jeans to drag a bit behind you and the moisture wicks up and tickles your ankles with cold.   But Morning chores don't take very long, and you decide to continue toward your barn instead of turning around to change your jeans and don your rubber boots.  

As you slowly slide open the barn door the sunlight filters through the opening and you are greeted with the soft drawl of sleepy hens beginning to stir at the call of the Rooster, that barnyard king of the roost, announcing his dominance over his entire domain with a cock-a-doodle-do!  

Your Nanny Goat hears the movement of the door and impatiently bellars out in protest of your being a nanosecond late for milking according to her tight schedule.  

You wonder if you could ever be early enough to surprise her, and make a mental note of trying to get up early enough to do just that in the near future.  

You scoop her morning ration of oats into the feeder on her milking stand and she eagerly hops into her spot as she hungrily begins to munch on her grain.

As you sit down and begin to squeeze the milk from her udder you look up to the hay mow and see the majestic beams of your barn and fondly recall the day you set them in place..... 

To be continued.....

I hope you enjoyed this story, I plan to continue adding to it as time goes by.  Let me know if you would like to read more.  

If you want to start your own barn story, the best way to begins is with a great barn plan.  You can find those in our barn plans library.  

Have a great day!  
Thank You
Aaron Esch