How The Shaw's Built Their Barn in 19 Days!

Published: Wed, 06/28/17


This is the story of the first barn we ever designed.  

Doug Shaw of Shawhaven Farms called me in 2008 to see if I could design a post and beam barn for him that would serve as a farm store for his farm and agritourism business.  

I agreed to design their barn and supply the hardware and timbers for them to build their barn, and with that first project, Michigan Heritage Barns and was born.  

I am forever grateful for Doug and Tami taking a chance and believing in me and becoming the first owners of a Barn from Michigan Heritage Barns.  

Since then we have become good friends with the Shaws and we visit their farm at least once a year. Sometimes we visit to show potential barn customers their barn, and other times we go just to enjoy one of their many farm events that they put on every year.  

Our favorite is the annual lamb festival.  There is always lot's of things for our kids to do and we always have an amazing time.   

If you ever have the opportunity to visit Shawhaven Farm during one of their events, I encourage you to do so, they always put on a great event with lot's of things to do.  To see what they have coming up, visit their website....

Check out the interview with the Shaw's at the video below, as they tell about their barn raising journey...
Thank You 
Aaron Esch