40x25 Saw cut oak barn for sale. Kalamazoo MI area

Published: Fri, 05/16/14


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  1. 40x25 Saw cut oak barn for sale. Kalamazoo MI area - 2014-05-15 12:10:09-04
    Currently taking this barn down. About 40x25 overall. All lumber is saw cut Oak, true 2x, approx 2000+ b/f with round support beams @ 14ft circa 1959.
  2. 40x60 1902 Barn in Proctor, WV - 2014-05-16 14:57:45-04
    Barn was built in 1902 on sandstone block foundation. The barn is 3 stories of mostly hand hewn w/ some milled beams. I believe the majority of beams