Are you listening???

Published: Thu, 06/20/13

What are you doing this summer?
With summer time upon us, we know that you are out and about, busy having fun, and NOT thinking about food storage.  Summer is a fun time, and we don't blame you!  However, we do have a few things we wanted to let you know about that you might want to make time for this month :)
Are You Listening?
Yes that's a play on words ;)  We recently joined the Survival Mom Radio Network and are excited to let our readers know about it!  These shows topics go back to the basics, but also include some great reminders and motivational tips for the more veteran among us.  

Our first three topics are as follows:
Episode 3:  Water Storage Overview

The best part is you can download the shows to your ipod/phone/etc. and listen while you are out and about this summer (or just listen from your computer).
Are You Entering?
If you have followed our blog for a while, you will know how much we LOVE and use our WonderMill wheat grinders.  We sent out a previous newsletter with 17 ways you can use your wheat grinder, but we also just posted that content on our blog with a BIG GIVEAWAY.  Make sure to come on over and find out how to enter to win.  

You can always make time to enter a giveaway right?
Are You Camping?
Lots of people LOVE to camp and/or hunt in the summer.  If this is something your family is doing anyway, why not practice some of your powerless cooking skills!  Pull out those camping stoves or a sun oven and make a goal to cook some of your foods with your tools while you are camping.  (Don't forget about the Sun Oven sale ending June 21st if you don't already have one!) You'll get to see how they work in a less stressful environment than a real emergency situation.

If you want to save time and money on your camping food, look no further than your food storage .  Here are a few ideas:
- Make homemade granola and add freeze dried fruits
- Make omelet mixes with powdered eggs, freeze-dried sausage crumbles, green peppers, onions, and cheese
- Throw in some Just-Add-Water meals that you can cook by adding boiling water to a pouch.  Easy dinner!
- Add yogurt bites, freeze dried ice cream, or other dessert items to have light-weight treats on hand
Are You Buying?
Did you know that Thrive Life (formerly called Shelf Reliance) recently revamped their consultant starter kits? Our favorite kit, the VALUE KIT, contains over $475 worth of food for only $289.  The food that comes in these kits are some of the best selling (and tasting) foods that Thrive Life carries. Whether you want to build a business, or just earn commissions and discounts while building your own food storage, now is a great time to join!

This month we are offering a FREE GIFT to anyone who joins our team by June 30th.  Click here to find out what it is!  Even if you don't have time to jump in and really get started until after summer, you don't want to miss this deal.